
     A **homonym** refers to words that have the same spelling or pronunciation but different meanings. This can be broken down into two types:

1. **Homophones**: Words that sound the same but have different meanings (e.g., “flower” and “flour”).
2. **Homographs**: Words that are spelled the same but have different meanings, and may or may not be pronounced differently (e.g., “lead” as in “to guide” and “lead” as in the metal).

Here’s a list of homonyms words in English. Some entries will be **homophones** (same pronunciation, different meaning) and others will be **homographs** (same spelling, different meaning).

Homophones (Sound the Same):

1. Air / Heir
2. Bare / Bear
3. Break / Brake
4. Buy / By / Bye
5. Cent / Scent / Sent
6. Deer / Dear
7. Eye / I
8. Flour / Flower
9. For / Four / Fore
10. Great / Grate
11. Hole / Whole
12. Hour / Our
13. Knew / New
14. Knight / Night
15. Know / No
16. Meat / Meet
17. Pair / Pare / Pear
18. Peace / Piece
19. Right / Write
20. Sail / Sale
21. Scene / Seen
22. Sea / See
23. Sew / So
24. Son / Sun
25. Stairs / Stares
26. Their / There / They’re
27. To / Too / Two
28. Waist / Waste
29. Weak / Week
30. Weather / Whether
31. Which / Witch
32. Who’s / Whose
33. Your / You’re

### Homographs (Spelled the Same):
34. Bass (the fish) / Bass (the instrument)
35. Bow (to bend) / Bow (a tied ribbon)
36. Close (near) / Close (to shut)
37. Lead (to guide) / Lead (a metal)
38. Object (a thing) / Object (to oppose)
39. Tear (to rip) / Tear (from crying)
40. Row (a line) / Row (to paddle)
41. Fair (equitable) / Fair (a festival)
42. Fine (of good quality) / Fine (a penalty)
43. Bat (the animal) / Bat (used in baseball)
44. Desert (arid land) / Desert (to abandon)
45. Wind (movement of air) / Wind (to twist)
46. Dove (the bird) / Dove (past of dive)
47. Refuse (to reject) / Refuse (garbage)
48. Minute (small) / Minute (60 seconds)
49. Live (to exist) / Live (happening now)
50. Content (happy) / Content (subject matter)
51. Present (a gift) / Present (to show)
52. Read (past tense) / Read (present tense)
53. Wound (an injury) / Wound (past of wind)
54. Tear (a drop from the eye) / Tear (to rip)
55. Sewer (a pipe) / Sewer (one who sews)
56. Digest (to process food) / Digest (a summary)
57. Contract (an agreement) / Contract (to shrink)
58. Invalid (not valid) / Invalid (sick person)
59. Lean (to incline) / Lean (thin)
60. Excuse (an apology) / Excuse (to free)
61. Polish (from Poland) / Polish (to make shiny)
62. Bow (a weapon) / Bow (to bend forward)
63. Lead (in a pencil) / Lead (to guide)
64. Address (location) / Address (to speak to)
65. Bass (low, deep voice) / Bass (a type of fish)
66. Lie (to recline) / Lie (not telling the truth)
67. Object (thing) / Object (disagree)
68. Agape (wide open) / Agape (Christian love)
69. Row (a dispute) / Row (a line)
70. Sewer (a drain) / Sewer (a person who sews)
71. Bark (a tree’s outer covering) / Bark (a dog’s sound)
72. Bank (financial institution) / Bank (the edge of a river)
73. Spring (a season) / Spring (a metal coil)
74. Trip (a journey) / Trip (to stumble)
75. Tire (to grow weary) / Tire (car part)
76. Book (to reserve) / Book (pages to read)
77. Light (brightness) / Light (not heavy)
78. Sink (to submerge) / Sink (a basin)
79. Train (train transport) / Train (to instruct)
80. Ring (a jewelry item) / Ring (a sound)
81. Match (a game) / Match (to pair together)
82. Duck (a bird) / Duck (to crouch down)
83. Foot (a measurement) / Foot (body part)
84. Saw (a tool) / Saw (past tense of see)
85. Key (a tool to open locks) / Key (important part)
86. Yard (unit of measure) / Yard (grassy area outside)
87. Nail (fingernail) / Nail (to fasten)
88. Well (in good health) / Well (a source of water)
89. Rock (a stone) / Rock (to move back and forth)
90. Watch (to observe) / Watch (a device for time)
91. Can (to be able to) / Can (a container)
92. Roll (to move by turning over) / Roll (a piece of bread)
93. Fly (to move through the air) / Fly (an insect)
94. Fire (combustion) / Fire (to dismiss from a job)
95. Stick (a branch) / Stick (to adhere)
96. Point (a sharp tip) / Point (an argument)
97. Pen (a writing tool) / Pen (an enclosure for animals)
98. Tie (to bind) / Tie (an equal score)
99. Bat (a flying mammal) / Bat (a club used in sports)
100. Date (a fruit) / Date (a calendar day)

This is a partial list with around 100 homonyms, but these should give you a good sense of the variety of homophones and homographs in the English language. Let me know if you’d like me to complete the full list of 200!
Here is the continuation of the list of **homonyms** to complete the full set of 200 words. The list includes both **homophones** (same pronunciation, different meaning) and **homographs** (same spelling, different meaning):

Homophones (Sound the Same):

101. Aloud / Allowed
102. Coarse / Course
103. Capital / Capitol
104. Compliment / Complement
105. Council / Counsel
106. Die / Dye
107. Faint / Feint
108. Idol / Idle
109. Morning / Mourning
110. Past / Passed
111. Principal / Principle
112. Profit / Prophet
113. Rain / Reign / Rein
114. Route / Root
115. Stationary / Stationery
116. Straight / Strait
117. Taught / Taut
118. Waist / Waste
119. Their / There / They’re
120. Peak / Peek / Pique
121. Bred / Bread
122. Chord / Cord
123. Close / Clothes
124. Flee / Flea
125. Grease / Greece
126. Heel / Heal
127. Higher / Hire
128. Hole / Whole
129. Made / Maid
130. Male / Mail
131. Morning / Mourning
132. Oar / Or
133. Pause / Paws
134. Plain / Plane
135. Rain / Reign
136. Ring / Wring
137. Stake / Steak
138. Steel / Steal
139. Vein / Vain / Vane
140. Vary / Very
141. Berry / Bury
142. Medal / Metal
143. Muscle / Mussel
144. Isle / Aisle
145. Raise / Raze
146. Lessen / Lesson
147. Who’s / Whose
148. Holey / Holy / Wholly
149. Serial / Cereal
150. Weather / Whether

### Homographs (Spelled the Same):
151. Tire (to grow weary) / Tire (rubber wheel covering)
152. Spring (season) / Spring (to jump)
153. Row (a line) / Row (to argue)
154. Pound (weight) / Pound (to hit)
155. Letter (alphabet character) / Letter (a mailed message)
156. File (a tool) / File (a collection of data)
157. Post (a job) / Post (a pole)
158. Rock (stone) / Rock (to move back and forth)
159. Wave (a gesture) / Wave (movement in water)
160. Cold (a sickness) / Cold (low temperature)
161. Current (present time) / Current (flow of water)
162. Crane (a bird) / Crane (a machine for lifting)
163. Deck (a platform) / Deck (a pack of cards)
164. Fair (reasonable) / Fair (an event)
165. Fine (good quality) / Fine (a financial penalty)
166. Jam (to squeeze into) / Jam (a fruit preserve)
167. Light (not heavy) / Light (illumination)
168. Mark (a stain) / Mark (to notice or highlight)
169. Match (a competition) / Match (to pair)
170. Mint (a plant) / Mint (a place to make coins)
171. Mole (an animal) / Mole (a spy)
172. Net (a mesh material) / Net (earnings after deductions)
173. Palm (a tree) / Palm (part of the hand)
174. Park (green area) / Park (to leave a vehicle)
175. Pound (currency) / Pound (to hit repeatedly)
176. Ring (to encircle) / Ring (a piece of jewelry)
177. Rose (a flower) / Rose (past tense of rise)
178. Sink (to submerge) / Sink (a basin)
179. Star (a celestial body) / Star (a famous person)
180. Stalk (part of a plant) / Stalk (to follow quietly)
181. Stick (a small branch) / Stick (to adhere)
182. Swallow (a bird) / Swallow (to consume food or drink)
183. Tire (to exhaust) / Tire (a rubber wheel cover)
184. Trip (a journey) / Trip (to stumble)
185. Wave (a gesture) / Wave (a movement of water)
186. Well (in good health) / Well (a water source)
187. Yard (a measure of length) / Yard (open space around a house)
188. Duck (a bird) / Duck (to lower your head quickly)
189. Row (a line) / Row (an argument)
190. Tear (rip) / Tear (liquid from the eye)
191. Bow (to bend) / Bow (a tied ribbon)
192. Bolt (to fasten) / Bolt (a flash of lightning)
193. Fall (autumn) / Fall (to drop down)
194. Light (brightness) / Light (not heavy)
195. Mean (unkind) / Mean (definition or average)
196. Fair (just or unbiased) / Fair (a public event)
197. Lead (to be in charge) / Lead (a metal)
198. Cool (pleasantly cold) / Cool (trendy)
199. Scale (a measuring tool) / Scale (fish skin)
200. Bank (financial institution) / Bank (the side of a river)

This completes the full list of 200 homonyms in English. These words demonstrate how rich and sometimes confusing English can be, due to the presence of words that sound alike or are spelled the same but carry different meanings.

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