Using Articles: Rules and Examples

Using Articles: Rules and Examples

Using Articles: Rules and Examples

Using Articles: Rules and Examples

In English, articles are used to define a noun as specific or unspecific. There are two types of articles: **definite** and **indefinite**.

1. Indefinite Articles (“a” and “an”)
Used to refer to a non-specific or general noun.

#### **”A”**: Used before a consonant sound.
– Example: *A dog* is barking outside.
– Explanation: The word “dog” starts with a consonant sound.

#### **”An”**: Used before a vowel sound.
– Example: *An apple* a day keeps the doctor away.
– Explanation: The word “apple” starts with a vowel sound (a).


Use “a” before words that begin with a consonant sound and “an” before words that begin with a vowel sound, regardless of spelling.

2. Definite Article (“the”)
Used to refer to a specific noun that is known to the speaker and the listener.

– Example: *The dog* that lives next door is barking.
– Explanation: Both the speaker and listener know which dog is being referred to.

**Specific Use of “The”**:

1. When there is only **one** of something (unique nouns):
– Example: *The sun* rises in the east.
2. When the noun has been previously mentioned:
– Example: I saw *a movie* yesterday. *The movie* was great.
3. When talking about a specific place, person, or thing:
– Example: Let’s go to *the park*.

**Rule**: Use “the” when referring to a particular item known to both the speaker and listener.

3. **Omission of Articles**
In some cases, no article is used before a noun.

#### **When No Article is Used**:
1. **Plural and uncountable nouns** in general statements:
– Example: Cats are independent animals. (Not *The cats*)
– Example: Water is essential for life. (Not *The water*)
2. **Abstract nouns** (things that aren’t physical objects):
– Example: Honesty is important in relationships.
3. **Proper nouns** (names of people, places, or specific things):
– Example: *John* is coming over tonight. (Not *The John*)

### Additional Guidelines:

1. **With occupations**:
– Use “a” or “an”: She is *a doctor*. He is *an engineer*.

2. **Before superlatives**:
– Always use “the”: *The tallest* building, *the best* day.

3. **With countries**:
– No article: I live in *France*.
– Use “the” with names of countries that are plural or have “of” in the name: *The United States*, *The Republic of Congo*.

# Summary of Key Rules:
– Use **”a”** before consonant sounds, **”an”** before vowel sounds.
– Use **”the”** when referring to something specific or unique.
– **No article** is used for general, plural, or uncountable nouns.

Let me know if you need more examples or specific clarifications!
Here are **20 examples** for each type of article:

1. Indefinite Articles (“a” and “an”)

 With “a”:

1. A car passed by my house.
2. She adopted a kitten from the shelter.
3. He bought a book from the bookstore.
4. They saw a bird in the tree.
5. We need a new chair for the living room.
6. A stranger knocked on the door.
7. I would like to eat a sandwich.
8. She is wearing a red dress.
9. A man asked for directions.
10. He works as a doctor in a hospital.
11. We watched a movie last night.
12. A child was playing in the park.
13. A snake slithered through the grass.
14. I saw a plane flying overhead.
15. He gave me a gift for my birthday.
16. She is learning to play a guitar.
17. They took a train to the city.
18. A storm is approaching.
19. He’s going to give a speech at the event.
20. I need a pen to sign this document.

With “an”:

1. An elephant walked through the jungle.
2. She had an idea for the project.
3. He ate an apple for breakfast.
4. I saw an eagle flying in the sky.
5. An actor is coming to the show.
6. She received an award for her performance.
7. An engineer fixed the machine.
8. He is reading an interesting article.
9. An orange fell from the tree.
10. She is an artist by profession.
11. An hour has passed since we started.
12. He asked for an extra chair.
13. We need an umbrella for the rain.
14. An owl hooted in the night.
15. They are ex

Kinds of Common Nouns

Kinds of Common Nouns

You know that some things, animals etc. that is some common nouns can be counted they are countable nouns.

Some common nouns stand for something that cannot be counted they are uncountable nouns.

Countable nouns have two forms ‘singular and plural’

1.Countable nouns-

Some common nouns can be counted they are known as countable nouns.

Countable nouns have two forms 1. singular 2. plural

(One is singular and many are plurals)


Singular                     Plural

one word              many words

one country         many countries

one desert            many deserts

one mountain      many mountains

one road               many roads

one story               many stories

one book               many books

one finger             many fingers

one man                many men

one boy                many boys

one computer     many computers

one garden           many gardens

one ball                many balls

one compass       many compasses

one iron                many irons

one colour          many colours

one manner         many manners

one moral            many morals

one number         many numbers


Singular               Plural

Pain                     pains

Premise               premises

Quarter               quarters

Spectacle            spectacles

Letter                   letters

Ground               grounds

Light                     lights

Powder                powders

Brother                brothers

cloth                    clothes

commander       commanders

son                      sons

daughter            daughters

servant              servants

2. Uncountable nouns-

Some common nouns stands for something that cannot be counted as one, two,, three, four, they are uncountable nouns.

They may be measured in units like gram, liter, metre. Etc..









air …etc.

Common nouns can be classified in one more way

Concrete nouns and Abstract nouns.

  1. Concrete nouns stand for things that you can actually touch or see.




















  1. Abstract nouns stand for ideas, qualities, feelings, actions etc,..



















believe etc…


Kinds Of Nouns- 1.Proper Noun 2.Common Noun

Parts of speech


Noun is a word used as the name of a person, place, idea or thing.

Kinds Of Nouns:

1.Proper Noun

2.Common Noun

Now look at the following sentence::

Shivaji was brave king.

In this sentence there are two nouns one is Shivaji and other is King.

या वाक्यात दोन संज्ञा आहेत एक शिवाजी आणि दुसरी राजा.

The noun Shivaji refers to a particular king.

शिवाजी ही संज्ञा / नाम एका विशिष्ट राजाला सूचित करते.

But, the noun king might be applied to any other King as well as to Shivaji ,

परंतु, राजा ही संज्ञा इतर कोणत्याही राजाला तसेच शिवाजीला लागू होऊ शकते,

So, we call Shivaji a proper noun and king a common noun

म्हणून आपण शिवाजीला विशेष नाम आणि राजाला सामान्य नाम म्हणतो.


  1. Janhavi is a proper noun while girl is a common noun

    2. Vedant is a proper noun while boy is a common noun

   3. Mumbai is a proper noun while city is a common noun

   4. France is a proper noun while country is common noun

   5. Arabian is proper noun while sea is common noun

   6. Himalayas is a proper noun while mountain is common noun

   7. Marathi is a proper noun while language is common noun

   8. Loksatta is a proper noun while newspaper is common noun

   9. Ganga is a proper noun while river is common noun

  10. ‘My Experiments Of Truth’ is proper noun while book is common noun

Common noun is a name given in common to every person or thing of the same class or kind.

Common noun हे प्रत्येक व्यक्तीला किंवा समान वर्गाच्या किंवा प्रकारातील वस्तूंना समान दिलेले नाव आहे.

Proper noun is the name of some particular person or place.

Proper noun म्हणजे एखाद्या विशिष्ट व्यक्तीचे किंवा ठिकाणाचे नाव.

Note That : Proper nouns are always written in capital letter at the beginning.