How-to-Use-did-as-Helping-Verb (Auxiliary)/ did चा वापर कसा करावा/ Simple Past Tense

How-to-Use-did-as-Helping-Verb (Auxiliary)


In this article we’re going to know how to use “Did” as a helping verb (auxiliary) with the help of some sentences.

या भागामध्ये आपण Did चा वापर साह्यकारी क्रियापद म्हणून कसा करावा याविषयी माहिती घेणार आहोत त्यासाठी वाक्यांमध्ये मुळ क्रियापद म्हणून क्रियापदाचे दुसरे रूप म्हणजेच Past form वापरला जातो.

एखादी क्रिया घडली हे तात्पुरते आणि साध्या पद्धतीने सांगण्यासाठी या रचनेचा वापर केला जातो.

व्याकरणाच्या भाषेत यालाच साधा भूतकाळ असे म्हणतात.

कर्ता कोणत्याही रूपातील (एकवचन/ अनेकवचन किंवा प्रथम /द्वितीय /तृतीय पुरुषी)असला तरी अशा रचनांमध्ये did हेच साह्यकारी क्रियापद वापरले जाते.


1. विधानार्थी वाक्य 

How to use “Didas a helping verb (auxiliary) in Affirmative Sentences

Subject + V2.

(did अदृश्य म्हणजेच क्रियापदाच्या दुसऱ्या रूपामध्ये त्याचा लोप झालेला आहे. )

I worked.

I paid.

I compromised.

I won.

I purchased.

You managed.

You repaired.

You repeated.

You advertised

You turned.

He built.

Vedant announced.

She selected.

Janhavi thought.

It managed.

Cat jumped.

We helped.

We neglected

We passed.

We sang.

We cancelled.

You drawn.

You disturbed.

You touched.

You cooked.

You pulled.

They learnt.

They separated.

They cut.

They wondered.

Ganesh and Vedant played.

Janhavi and Sonali worked.


2. विधानार्थी वाक्यांमध्ये घडणारी क्रिया फार महत्त्वाची आहे असं सांगताना did चा वापर केला जातो, पण असे फारच कमी वेळा होते.

Subject + did + V1.

I did win.

I did drive safely.

You did played well.

He did paint.

She did manage.

We did win the match.

We did cancel program.

You did change.

They did operate machine.


3.How to use “Didas a helping verb (auxiliary) in Negative Sentences

I didn’t work

I didn’t pay.

I didn’t play.

I didn’t purchase.

You didn’t manage.

You didn’t repair.

You didn’t repeat.

You didn’t advertise.

You didn’t turn.

He didn’t  build.

Vedant didn’t announce.

She didn’t select.

Janhavi didn’t think.

It didn’t manage.

Cat didn’t jump.

We didn’t help

We didn’t neglect.

We didn’t pass.

We didn’t sing.

We didn’t cancel.

You didn’t draw.

You didn’t disturb.

You didn’t touch.

You didn’t cook.

You didn’t pull.

They didn’t learn.

They didn’t  separate.

They didn’t cut.

They didn’t wonder.

Ganesh and Vedant didn’t play.

Janhavi and Sonali didn’t work.


 4. How to use “Didas a helping verb (auxiliary) in Interrogative Sentences

Did/Didn’t + sub. + main verb

Did I work?

Did I pay ?

Did I compromise ?

Did I win ?

Didn’t I purchase ?

Did you manage ?

Didn’t you repair ?

Did you repeat ?

Did you advertise ?

Didn’t you turn ?

Didn’t he build ?

Did Vedant announce ?

Did she select ?

Did Janhavi think ?

Didn’t it manage ?

Did cat jump ?

Did you manage?

Did you repair?

Did you repeat?

Did you advertise?

Didn’t you turn?

Didn’t he build?

Did Vedant announce?

Did she select?

Didn’t Janhavi think?

Did it manage?

Did cat jump?

Did we help?

Didn’t we neglect?

Did we pass?

Did we sing?

Did we cancel?

Did you draw ?

Didn’t you disturb?

Did you touch?

Did you cook?

Didn’t you pull?

Did they learn?

Didn’t they separate?

Did they cut?

Did they wonder?

Did Ganesh and Vedant play?

Didn’t Janhavi and Sonali work?




How to use was and were


    In this lesson we are going to learn information about how to use “was, were” in everyday speech. Let us understand this by using various sentences as an example. So let’s know how to use was, were in daily English.

Was, were are past tense forms of to be.

या सदरामध्ये आपण रोजच्या बोलण्यात  was, were  चा वापर कसा करावा या विषयी माहिती जाणून घेणार आहोत. त्यासाठी विविध वाक्यांचा वापर उदाहरणादाखल करून हे समजुन घेऊ. So let’s know How to use was, were in daily English.

     Was, were  ही भुतकाळातील  to be  ची रूपे आहेत.


1. Was  चा वापर = जर कर्ता एक वचनी प्रथम किंवा तृतीय पुरुष असेल तर साध्या भुतकाळातील वाक्यात  was  चा वापर करावा

   How to use “was” in Affirmative Statements.

   होकारार्थी विधाने

    subject + was +noun.

I was a teacher.

I was a doctor.

He was a farmer.

She was an advisor.

It was an honest animal.

Ganesh was a director.

      How to use “was” in Negative statements

      नकारार्थी विधाने

       Subject + was + not + noun.

                               was + not = wasn’t

I wasn’t a teacher.

I wasn’t a doctor.

He wasn’t a farmer.

She wasn’t an advisor.

It wasn’t an honest animal.

Ganesh wasn’t a director.

    How to use “was” in Verbal questions

    Was + subject + noun?

Was I a teacher?

Was I a doctor?

Was he a farmer?

Was she an advisor?

Was it an honest animal?

Was Ganesh a director?

  2. Use of were    //    were चा वापर 

कर्ता जर एक वचनी द्वितीय पुरुषी म्हणजेच you किंवा अनेकवचनी प्रथम (we), द्वितीय (you) किंवा तृतीयपुरुषी (they) असेल तर were चा वापर करतात.

  How to use “were” in Affirmative Statements.

   होकारार्थी विधाने.

   Subject + were + noun. 

You were a teacher.

You were teachers.

They were teachers.

Prashant and Sonali were teachers.

Lion and tiger were animals.

  How to use “were” in Negative statements.

  नकारार्थी विधाने.

 Subject + were + not + noun.

You were not a teacher.

You were not teachers.

They were not teachers.

Prashant and Sonali were not teachers.

Lion and tiger were not birds.

    How to use “were” in Verbal questions.

     Were + subject + noun?

     Were + not + subject.+ noun?

Were you a teacher?

Weren’t you teachers?

Were Prashant and Sonali teachers?

Were they teachers?

   टीप you  हे द्वितीय पुरुषी कर्त्याचे रूप एकवचन अनेकवचन दोन्ही मध्ये वापरले जाते.

Let’s Practice:   How to use “was,were”

Use was, /wasn’t, / were, / weren’t in the following sentences.

1. I ….. captain.

2. ….. I captain?

3. He ….. lawyer.

4. ….. he lawyer?

5. They ….. painters.

6. ….. they painters?

7. You ….. collectors.

8. …… you collectors?

9. You ….. president.

10. …… you president?

      अशा पद्धतीने वाचण्याचा, लिहिण्याचा सराव केल्यास आपणही सहज इंग्रजी बोलू शकतो.