What is Preposition? list of prepositions


        In this session we are going to know about some prepositions in English with their use in proper sentences.
Some of there are familiar to us, we have listened, read and used them in many sentences within learning English.

Preposition Preposition

     Preposition — Preposition is a word placed before a noun or a pronoun to show in what relation the person or thing denoted by it stands in regard to something else.

Some prepositions with their meanings in Marathi and some sentences using these preposition.

On : वर
This ball is on the table.
Green bag is on the cupboard.
The remote is on the TV.
The red pain is on the big book.
My mobile is on the stool.

over : वरच्या बाजूस पण अंतराळी
The bridge is over the river.
The lamp is over my head.
There was big fan over the bed.

in : आत
Vedant is in the bathroom.
The letters are in the letter box.
Janhavi is sitting in the chair.
I put the ball in my bag.
Sonali is going in her class.

under : खाली
There are two mice under the cupboard.
The cat is sitting under the chair.
I put my bag under the table.
Ganesh hides some coins under the soil.
There is bad under the cupboard.

between : दोन व्यक्ती किंवा वस्तू यांच्यामध्ये
The man is sitting between two boys.
B is between A and C.
Meena is standing between Radha and Meera.
There is red chair between two green chairs.
There is big space between two beds.

to : कडे, च्या रोखाने,.. ला
Sonali is walking to her father.
Sandeep is going to office.
I am going to school.
Ram gives he is pen to Shyam.
Send a thousand rupees to my father.

from : पासून, हून, आतून, कडून
I come from a small village.
Draw the line from point B.
Vedant take some coins from his father.
He comes from river.

at : कडे, मध्ये, जवळ, वाजता
Ganesh is looking at the board.
Sandeep is at the gate.
You meet me at my school.
She goes to office at 10 o’clock every day.
He complete his work at night.

in / on : चा वापर वेळ दाखवण्यासाठी
My father died in November.
Please, meet me on Sunday.

with : ने, सह, बरोबर
We hear with our ears.
Janhavi goes to school with her brother Vedant.
My parents live with me.

behind : पाठीमागे
Ganesh hides behind the door.
Yesterday Ganesh was sitting behind Sandeep.

for : च्या करिता, च्या साठी, चा वेळ
Sonali works heart for her family.
Sandeep is waiting for Snehal.
I teach my students for 5 hours everyday.
Vedant got two mobiles for twenty five thousands.

of : चा, ची, चे, ने भरलेला
The head lamp of my bike is bright.
There are some refills of red pen.
Give me a glass of milk please.

by : ने-वाहनाने, च्या जवळ, च्या शेजारी, च्याप्रमाणे, च्या वेळी
Janhavi goes to school by bus everyday.
I always seat by the window.
Till the time by your watch.
Go to the market by 11 O’Clock.

into : च्या आत, च्या बाहेरून आत
The dog went into the room.
Drop some turpentine into the oil paint.
out of : च्या मधून बाहेर, च्या पासून बाहेर
He come out of his car.
Sonali took her clothes out of the cupboard.

beside : च्या बाजूला, च्या जवळ, च्या पाशी
She always seats beside me.
The beggar was sitting with a bowl beside him.
Radha seats beside Shyam.

near : च्या जवळ
Mr Desai lives near the Apple hospital.
My home is near the temple.

in front of : च्या समोर
There are two mango trees in front my house.
She parks her scooter in front of my car.


What is Conjunction ?


1.He studied hard and cracked the exam.
2.Vedant came late to school because he missed his train.
3.There were many flowers and fruits.
In sentence one and two conjunctions join together two sentences.
In sentence three conjunction joins together two words only.

Conjunction is a word which merely joins together sentences and sometimes words.


दोन शब्द, दोन शब्द समूह किंवा दोन वाक्य जोडण्याची काम करणाऱ्या शब्दांना ( conjunction ) उभयान्वयी अव्यय म्हणतात

Let’s see some examples of conjunctions…

Come fast and take it.
He worked hard and got grand success.
Virat is a good batsman and Zaheer is a good bowler.
I like bread and butter
Janhavi and Vedant are siblings.
Stop laughing or I shall beat you.
She must weep or she will die.
You should come fast or you will be late.
This water is cold or hot.
Say, yes or no.
Mother went out because she was upset.
Ram was walking slowly because he was tired.
The teacher called my parents because I got poor marks.
Vedant closed the door because it was cold outside.
Mother was upset therefore she went out.
Ram was tired therefore he was walking slowly.
I got poor marks therefore the teacher called my parents.
It was cold outside therefore Vedant closed the door.
He is slow but he is sure.
I was annoyed still I kept quite.
I would come only that I am engaged.
He was alright only he was fatigued.
Run quickly else you will not overtake her.

Some conjunctions are used in pairs or in groups...

either – or
Either come here or leave it.

neither – nor
That is neither useful nor ornamental.

both – and
We both complete and finish it.

though – yet
Though he is suffering much pain yet he does not complain.

whether – or
I do not care whether you finish or not.

not only – but also
She not only love but also care him.

as well as
Vedant as well as Janhavi got good marks.

so that
Vedant studied hard so that he cracked the NEET exam.

even if
Such an act would not be kind even if it were just.

as soon as
Janhavi to cough her shoes as soon as she enter the living room.

as if
Vedant looks as if he was weary.
Some Idiomatic Pairs using and / or …

Sun and shower
Work and play
More and less
Day and night
now and then
here and there
breed and butter
up and down
high and low
read and write
left and right
life and death
North and South
East and West
back and forth
give and take
trial and error
on and off
in and out
black and white
lost and found
do or die
make or break
more or less






What is “Adverb?”


A word that modifies the meaning of verb and adjective or another adverb is called an adverb.

क्रियाविशेषण हे क्रियापद, विशेषण किंवा दुसऱ्या क्रियाविशेषण अव्ययाविषयी अधिक माहिती देत असते.

The adverbs tell how things are done.

क्रियाविशेषण हे आपल्याला सांगत असते की एखादी गोष्ट कशी घडली.




  1. Vedant runs quickly.

2. This is very sweet mango.

3. Janhavi reads quite clearly.

In sentence 1 quickly shows ‘how or in what manner‘ Vedant runs, that is quickly modifies the ‘verb’ runs.

In sentence 2 very shows ‘how much or in what degree‘ the mango is sweet, that is ‘very’ modifies the ‘adjective’ sweet.

In sentence 3 ‘quite‘ shoes ‘how far or to what extent‘ Janhavi reads clearly that is ‘quite’ modifies the ‘adverb’ clearly.

Some more kinds of adverbs with Examples

1.Adverbs of time

I have done this before.

Ganesh will now begin to write.

Vedant arrived here a few minutes ago.

He goes there daily.

I have came to him already.


2.Adverbs of frequency

He often makes ladoos.

Janhavi have caught the ball twice.

Vedant always tries to come in given time.

Prashant seldom goes there.

Ashwini reads again.


3.Adverbs of place

Come here.

Go there.

Our puppy followed Janhavi everywhere.

She is out.

See backward.


4.Adverbs of manner

Janhavi reads clearly.

The juice is well done.

Vedant studies hard.

Chhatrapati Shivaji fought bravely.

The baby slept soundly.


5.Adverbs of degree or quantity

She is too late.

The bananas are almost ripe.

It is well enough for me.

The work is partly done.

The flowers are pretty good.

6.Adverbs of affirmation and negation

Surely Vedant is mistaken.

Janhavi do not get him.

Vedant certainly went.

7.Adverbs of reason

Ganesh was hence fail in his exam.

He therefore left the school.

Sometimes adverbs standing at the beginning of sentence and modify the whole sentence rather than any particular word.


Probably Ganesh is mistaken.

Possibly that is as he tell.

Evidently the figures are incorrect.

Certainly he is correct.

Luckily he comes before you.



1.अनेक adjective ना ly हा प्रत्यय लागून त्यांची adverbs बनतात.


bad- badly

beautiful- beautiful

careful- carefully

careless- carelessly

cheerful- cheerfully

clear- clearly

dangerous- dangerously

happy- happily

heavy- heavily

lazy- lazily

loud- loudly

easy- easily

quick- quickly

quite- quietly

slow- slowly

smooth- smoothly

safe- safely


2.Adjective च्या शब्दात शेवटी y हे अक्षर आल्यास त्याचे adverb होताना y ऐवजी i करावा लागतो.


happy- happily

heavy- heavily

lazy- lazily

shabby- shabbily


3.त्याचप्रमाणे विशेषणाचे शेवटचे अक्षर l असल्यास त्याचे क्रियाविशेषण करताना ll करावे लागते.


Beautiful- beautifully

careful- carefully

cheerful- cheerfully








Adjective the describing word


नामाबद्दल विशेष माहिती देणारा शब्द किंवा नामाचे वर्णन करणारा शब्द ज्याला आपण विशेषण असे म्हणतो.

A  word used with noun to describe or point out the person, animal, place or thing which the noun names, or to tell the number or quality is called an adjective.


विशेषणाचे दोन प्रकार साधारणतः पडतात


2. संख्या विशेषण

संख्या विशेषण मध्ये पुन्हा दोन प्रकार

1.मूळ संख्यावाचक आणि


गुणविशेषण हे नामाचे रूप, रंग, स्वरूप, आका,र गुणधर्म, गुण इत्यादी विषयी माहिती देणारा शब्द गुणविशेषण असतो.

नामांची संख्या सांगणारा शब्दाला संख्या विशेषण म्हणतात. मूळ संख्या विशेषण क्रमवाचक संख्या विशेषण

1.Adjectives of quality or discriptive adjectives

e.g. Tall boy, yellow fruit, brave man, large animal

Here tall, yellow, brave and large are qualities, these words are adjectives of quality.

नामाचे रूप/स्वरूप दर्शवणारे शब्द

























नामाचा आकार वर्णन करणारे शब्द















रंगाचे वर्णन करणारे शब्द

















गुणाचे वर्णन करणारे शब्द












आवाजाची वर्णन करणारे शब्द

































चवीचे वर्णन करणारे शब्द















वासाचे किंवा गंधाचे वर्णन करणारे शब्द














स्पर्शाचे वर्णन करणारे शब्द























2. Adjective of number

Six girls, hundred years, thirty pens, sixth girl, hundredth year, thirtieth pen

Here six, hundred and thirty are adjective of cardinal numbers

And sixth, hundredth and thirtieth are adjectives of ordinal numbers

Cardinal Numbers

One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten …….

Ordinal numbers

First, second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth, ninth,  tenth……

“Why” Questions

Why" Questions

Friends, we often ask the question ‘why?’ about many things. For that, you have to make interrogative sentences using the interrogative word “why?” in English. Some such question suggestive sentences are given below. This list cannot end here. By adding to this, we can create more interrogative sentences i.e. questions in a similar manner…

      मित्रांनो आपल्यालाका?” हा प्रश्न अनेक गोष्टींबाबत अनेक वेळा पडतो. त्यासाठी इंग्रजीमध्येWhy” हा प्रश्नसूचक शब्द वापरून प्रश्न सूचक वाक्य बनवावी लागतात. अशीच काही प्रश्न सुचक वाक्य पुढे दिलेली आहेत. ही यादी येथे संपू शकत नाही. यात भर घालून अशाच पद्धतीची आणखी प्रश्न सूचक वाक्य अर्थात प्रश्न आपल्याला तयार करता येतील

Why" Questions

“Wh” Questions



1.Why don’t you plan a visit to my school?

2.Why do you look so happy?

3.Why are you upset?

4. Why did you not come yesterday?

5.Why have they built pandal there?

6.Why have they not done there work?

7.Why is Janhavi looking at you?

8.Why can Vedant not travel by train?

9.Why does he always quite?

10.Why would you like to help others?

11.Why didn’t he dare to accept her?

12.Why don’t you invite your old friends?

13.Why is there so much crowd?

14.Why can’t you all maintain this building?

15.Why should Sonali neglect them?

16.Why shouldn’t you decide your future plans?

17.Why is Gita going to change her decision?

18.Why should Prashant have selected?

19.Why shouldn’t he protect?

20.Why can you compromise?

21.Why may Rahul provide food material?

22.Why couldn’t you continue your education?

23.Why could you announce next meeting?

24.Why won’t he be waiting?

25.Why was he keeping desi cows?

50 Important English proverbs with Marathi meanings.

English Proverbs

Important English proverbs with Marathi meanings.

Friends, let’s see some important sayings in English. Let’s read their meaning in Marathi. And let’s try to remember that. I have tried my best to explain in simple and correct language.

    इंग्रजी भाषेतील म्हणी

Important English proverbs with Marathi meanings.

मित्रांनो, आपण इंग्रजीतील काही महत्त्वाच्या म्हणी पाहूया .त्यांचे मराठीतील अर्थ वाचूया . आणि त्या लक्षात  ठेवायचा प्रयत्न करूया. मी माझ्या परीने योग्य आणि सोप्या भाषेत अर्थ सांगायचा प्रयत्न केला आहे .

1) Might is right.

👉 बळी तो कान पिळी. कमजोर लोकांना मोठया लोकांचे ऐकावे लागते आणि त्यांच्यासमोर झुकते घ्यावे लागते.

2) Like father, like son.

👉जसे आईवडील असतात तशी त्यांची मुले बनतात.

3) A day after the fair.

👉वरातीमागून घोडे. वेळ निघून गेल्यावर तयारी करणे.

4) Money makes the man and  mare go.

👉पैसा खूप महत्त्वाचा आहे . पैशामुळे आपण भरपूर गोष्टी करू शकतो .

5) Money begets money.

👉पैशामुळे पैसा वाढवता येतो.

6) First come first served.

👉हाजीर तो वजीर. कोणत्याही ठिकाणी आपण वेळेवर उपस्थित  रहायला हवे,  मग यश आपलेच होते.

7) Actions speak louder than words.

👉 उक्तीपेक्षा कृती श्रेष्ठ . आपण मेहनत केली पाहिजे . गप्पा मारून यश मिळत नाही .

8) Blood is thicker than water.

👉आपणाला सर्वात जास्त प्रिय रक्ताचे नातेवाईकच आसतात.

9) The child is father of the man.

👉मुलाचे पाय पाळण्यात दिसतात . मूल मोठे झाल्यावर कसे बनणार हे त्याच्या लहानपणीच्या वागण्यावरच समजते.

10) An apple a day keeps the doctor away.

👉दररोज एक सफरचंद जर खाल्ले तर आपले योग्य पोषण व्हायला मदत होते. मग आपण आजारी पडून दवाखान्यात जायची गरज नाही .

11) Barking dogs seldom bite.

👉 गर्जेल तो वर्षेल काय? म्हणजे काही माणसे उगी मोठमोठ्या गोष्टी करतात पण काहीच करून दाखवत नाहीत.

12) As the King, so are the subjects.

👉यथा राजा, तथा प्रजा. मोठया व्यक्तीकडे पाहूनच लोक त्यांचे अनुकरण करतात व तसे वागतात.

13) Union is strength.

👉एकी हेच बळ. आपण एकजुटीने राहिलो तर आपणाला कोणीही त्रास देऊ शकत नाही .

14) Too many cooks spoil the broth.

👉पाच पन्नास आचारी, वरणामध्ये मीठ भारी. एखाद्या कामात जास्त लोकांनी भाग घेतला किंवा सल्ला दिला की काम असफल होते.

15) Every house has its skeleton.

👉घरोघरी मातीच्या चुली . गरीब असो की श्रीमंत, सर्वांनाच टेंशन आहे .

16) One man’s loss is another man’s gain.

👉 एकाची लागली वाट, त्यातून दुसऱ्याची भरभराट .

17) Fortune favours the brave.

👉शूर व धाडसी माणसाला खात्रीने यश मिळतेच.

18) Don’t count your chickens before they are hatched.

👉अति आशा धरून बसणे काही कामाचे नाही.

19) Look before you leap.

👉कोणताही निर्णय योग्य -अयोग्य याचा पूर्ण विचार करून घ्यावा.

20) Still waters run deep.

👉हुशार आणि ज्ञानी माणसे शांतपणे व साधेपणाने वागतात.

21) Walls have ears.

👉भिंतीला कान असतात.  कोणतीही योजना काळजीपूर्वक आखावी.

22) There is no rose without a thorn.

👉काटयावाचून गुलाब नाही . कष्ट केल्यानंतरच यश मिळते.

23) A bird in hand is worth two in the bush.

👉हातचे सोडून पळत्याच्या पाठी लागू नये .

24) Well begun is half done.

👉कोणत्याही कामाची चांगली सुरुवात केली की आपला आत्मविश्वास वाढतो आणि काम पूर्ण करायला हिंमत मिळते.

25) Cowards die many a time before their death.

👉भित्रेपणाचा जीवनात खूप त्रास होतो .

26) A bad workman blames his tools.

👉नाचता येईना, अंगण वाकडे. आपण काही वेळा स्वत:च्या कमजोरी किंवा चुकीबद्दल दुसर्‍यांना बिनकामी दोष देतो.

27) Where there’s a will, there’s a way.

👉इच्छा तेथे मार्ग . आपली तळमळ असली की यश मिळतेच मित्रांनो.

28) Every dog has his day.

👉 चार दिवस सासूचे, चार दिवस सुनेचे. प्रत्येकाच्या जीवनात चांगले दिवस येतात.

29) All that glitters is not gold.

👉चकाकणारी प्रत्येक वस्तू सोने नसते. एखाद्याला खात्री न करता ताबडतोब चांगले समजू नका .

30) Beggers can not be choosers.

👉अडचणीत असताना काहीही पर्याय नसतो.

31) Birds of a feather flock together.

👉सारख्या आवडी निवडी असलेली माणसे एकमेकांचे सोबती होतात.

32) Beauty is only skin deep.

👉सौंदर्या पेक्षा चारित्र्य खूप महत्त्वाचे आहे .

33) All is well that ends well.

👉कोणत्याही गोष्टीचा शेवट चांगला झाला की अगोदरचे सर्व अपयश झाकले जाते.

34) Two of a trade seldom agree.

👉कुत्र्याचा कुत्रा दुश्मन असतो.

35) The wearer knows where the shoe pinches.

👉ज्याचे जळते त्यालाच कळते.

36) Familiarity breeds contempt.

👉अति तिथे माती. कोणतीही गोष्ट अति केली की परिणाम वाईट होतो.

37) Make hay while the sun shines.

👉आलेल्या संधीचा पुरेपूर फायदा घ्या .

38) Better late than never.

👉उशीर  झाला असे समजून गप्प बसण्यापेक्षा ध्येय गाठण्यासाठी मैदानात उतरा….

39) All is fair in love and war

👉प्रेमात आणि युद्धात सर्व माफ असते.

40) No pains, no gains.

👉कष्ट केले तर फळ मिळते . रिकामा वेळ वाया घालवू नये .

41) You can not have a cake and eat it.

👉तुम्हाला जिंकायचे आहे ना ? मग आयते कसे यश मिळेल ?

42) A stitch in time saves nine.

👉 चुका वेळीच सुधारा….

43) Cut your coat according to your cloth.

👉जेवढा झेपेल तेवढाच खर्च करा …..

44) Let sleeping dogs lie.

👉शांत असलेले मोहोळ उठवू नका.

45) As you make the bed, so you must lie in it.

👉आपल्या कृतीचा परिणाम आपल्याला भोगावा लागतो.आपण चांगले वागलो तर भले होते वाईट वागलो तर वाईट.

46) A word is enough for the wise.

👉शहाण्याला शब्दांचा मार. शहाणा माणूस केवळ इशारा लक्षात ठेवून  सुधारणा करतो.

47) It never rains but it pours.

👉संकटे आली की एकापाठोपाठ भरपूर येतात.

48) Contentment is happiness.

👉मनाचे समाधान हेच खरे सुख आहे.

49) All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.

👉फक्त काम आणि कामच केले तर काही उपयोग नाही . मनाला ताजे ठेवा. खेळा, फिरा, मित्रांसोबत वेळ घाला.

50) One good turn deserves another.

👉आपल्याला कोणी मदत केली तर आपणही योग्य वेळी त्यांना मदत करावी .


How to Use “used to” as an Auxiliary Verb

In this lesson we will learn how to use “used to” as an auxiliary verb with the root form (V1) of the main verb.

We are also going to use a suitable formula for that so that it will be easy to understand.

This construction is used to show that an action was a regular or habitual action in the past of the person doing it.

या सदरामध्ये आपण used to चा वापर सहाय्यक क्रियापद म्हणून मुख्य क्रियापदाच्या मुळ रुपासोबत ( V1) कसा करावा याविषयी इत्यंभूत माहिती घेणार आहोत.

    त्यासाठी योग्य अशा सूत्राचा सुद्धा वापर करणार आहोत म्हणजे समजायला सोपे जाईल.

    एखादी क्रिया कार्य करणाऱ्या व्यक्तीची भूतकाळातील नियमित घडणारी क्रिया किंवा सवयीची क्रिया होती हे  दर्शवण्यासाठी या रचनेचा वापर करतात.


होकारार्थी वाक्य

How to Use “used to” as an Auxiliary Verb in Affirmative Sentences

Subject + used to + main verb (v1).

I used to meet.

I used to clean.

I used to compromise.

I used to sing.

I used to learn.

We used to pay.

We used to suggest.

We used to accept.

We used to excuse.

We used to donate.

You used to build.

You used to make.

You used to maintain.

You used to protect.

You used to submit.

He used to continue.

He used to enquire.

Vedant used to play.

She used to continue.

Janhavi used to discuss.

She used to combine.

It used to jump.

The dog used to run.

They used to provide.

They used to co-operate.

They used to appoint.

Janhavi and Vedant used to dance.

Prashant and Ashwini used to teach.


नकारार्थी वाक्य  

How to Use “used to” as an Auxiliary Verb in Negative Sentences

Subject + did + not + use to + main verb (v1).

I didn’t use to meet.

I didn’t use to clean.

I didn’t use to compromise.

I didn’t use to sing.

I didn’t use to learn.

We didn’t use to pay.

We didn’t use to suggest.

We didn’t use to accept.

We didn’t use to excuse.

We didn’t use to donate.

You didn’t use to build.

You didn’t use to make.

You didn’t use to maintain.

You didn’t use to protect.

You are not able to submit.

He didn’t use to continue.

He didn’t use to enquire.

Vedant didn’t use to play.

She didn’t use to continue.

Janhavi didn’t use to discuss.

She didn’t use to combine.

It didn’t use to jump.

The dog didn’t use to run.

They didn’t use to provide.

They didn’t use to co-operate.

They didn’t use to appoint.

Janhavi and Vedant didn’t use to dance.

Prashant and Ashwini didn’t use to teach.


प्रश्नार्थक वाक्य

How to Use “used to” as an Auxiliary Verb in Interrogative Sentence

Did + subject + use to + v 1?

Did I use to break?

Did I use to clean?

Did I use to compromise?

Did I use to sing?

Did I use to learn?

Did we use pay?

Did we use to suggest?

Did we use to accept?

Did we use to excuse?

Did we able to donate?

Did you use to build?

Did you use to make?

Did you use to maintain?

Did you use to protect?

Did you use to submit?

Did he use to continue?

Did he use to enquire?

Did Vedant use to play?

Did she use to continue?

Did Janhavi use to discuss?

Did she use to combine?

Did it use to jump?

Did the dog use to run?

Did they use to provide?

Did they use to co-operate?

Did they use to appoint?

Did Janhavi and Vedant use to dance?

Did Prashant and Ashwini use to teach?

How to Use “would like to”

Use "would like to"

In this lesson, we’ll learn more about how to use “would like to” as an auxiliary verb.

We are also going to use a suitable formula for that so that it will be easy to understand.

This construction is used to show whether or not the person doing the action wants to.

     सदरामध्ये आपण would like to चा वापर सहाय्यक क्रियापद म्हणून कसा करावा याविषयी इत्यंभूत माहिती घेणार आहोत.

    त्यासाठी योग्य अशा सूत्राचा सुद्धा वापर करणार आहोत म्हणजे समजायला सोपे जाईल.

    एखादी क्रिया करताना कार्य करणाऱ्या व्यक्तीची इच्छा आहे किंवा नाही हे दर्शवण्यासाठी या रचनेचा वापर करतात.

****************************************************************Use "would like to"

होकारार्थी वाक्य

How to Use “would like to” in Affirmative Sentences

Subject + would like to + main verb (v1).

I would like to dance.

I would like to clean.

I would like to compromise.

I would like to sing.

I would like to learn.

We would like to pay.

We would like to suggest.

We would like to accept.

We would like to excuse.

We would like to donate.

You would like to build.

You would like to make.

You would like to maintain.

You would like to protect.

You would like to submit.

He would like to continue.

He would like to enquire.

Vedant would like to play.

She would like to continue.

Janhavi would like to discuss.

She would like to combine.

It would like to jump.

The dog would like to run.

They would like to provide.

They would like to co-operate.

They would like to appoint.

Janhavi and Vedant would like to dance.

Prashant and Ashwini would like to teach.


नकारार्थी वाक्य  

How to Use “would like to” in Negative Sentences

Subject + would not + like to + main verb (v1).

would not=wouldn’t

I wouldn’t like to break.

I wouldn’t like to clean.

I wouldn’t like to compromise.

I wouldn’t like to sing.

I wouldn’t like learn.

We wouldn’t like to pay.

We wouldn’t like to suggest.

We wouldn’t like to accept.

We wouldn’t like to excuse.

We wouldn’t like to donate.

You wouldn’t like to build.

You wouldn’t like to make.

You wouldn’t like to maintain.

You wouldn’t like to protect.

You wouldn’t like to submit.

He wouldn’t like to continue.

He wouldn’t like to enquire.

Vedant wouldn’t like to play.

She wouldn’t like to continue.

Janhavi wouldn’t like to discuss.

She wouldn’t like to combine.

It wouldn’t like to jump.

The dog wouldn’t like to run.

They wouldn’t like to provide.

They wouldn’t like to co-operate.

They wouldn’t like to appoint.

Janhavi and Vedant wouldn’t like to dance.

Prashant and Ashwini wouldn’t like to teach.


प्रश्नार्थक वाक्य

How to Use “would like to” in Interrogative Sentence (Affirmative)

       Would + subject + like to + v 1?

Would I like to break?

Would I like to clean?

Would I like to compromise?

Would we like to pay?

Would we like to suggest?

Would we like to accept?

Would you like to build?

Would you like to make?

Would you like to maintain?

Would he like to continue?

Would he like to enquire?

Would Vedant like to play?

Would she like to combine?

Would it like to jump?

Would they like to provide?

Would they like to appoint?

Would Janhavi and Vedant like to dance?


How to Use “would like to” in Interrogative Sentence (Negative)

Would + not + subject +  like to +  v 1?

Wouldn’t I like to sing?

Wouldn’t I like to learn?

Wouldn’t we like to excuse?

Wouldn’t we like to donate?

Wouldn’t you like to protect?

Wouldn’t you like to submit?

Wouldn’t she like to continue?

Wouldn’t Janhavi like to discuss?

Wouldn’t the dog like to run?

Wouldn’t they like to co-operate?

Wouldn’t Prashant and Ashwini like to teach?

How to Use “will have to” as an Auxiliary Verb

In this lesson we will learn how to use “will have to” as an auxiliary verb with the verb base (V1) to tell future actions.

We are also going to use a suitable formula for that so that it will be easy to understand.

The verb uses this construction to indicate whether or not an action is to be done in the future. In such a structure, the auxiliary verb will is used.

या सदरामध्ये आपण will have to चा वापर क्रियापद म्हणून क्रियापदाच्या मुळ रुपासोबत ( V1) भविष्यकाळातील क्रिया सांगण्यासाठी कसा करावा याविषयी इत्यंभूत माहिती घेणार आहोत.

 त्यासाठी योग्य अशा सूत्राचा सुद्धा वापर करणार आहोत म्हणजे समजायला सोपे जाईल.

 क्रिया करणाऱ्यास एखादी क्रिया भविष्य काळात करावी लागणार आहे किंवा नाही हे दर्शवण्यासाठी या रचनेचा वापर करतात. अश्या रचनेत will या साह्यकारी क्रियापदाचा वापर होतो.

_______________________How to Use "will have to" as an Auxiliary Verb in

होकारार्थी वाक्य

How to Use “will have to” as an Auxiliary Verb in Affirmative Sentences

Subject + will + have to + v1.

I will have to break.

I will have to clean.

I will have to compromise.

I will have to sing.

I will have to learn.

We will have to pay.

We will have to suggest.

We will have to accept.

We will have to excuse.

We will have to donate.

You will have to build.

You will have to make.

You will have to maintain.

You will have to protect.

You will have to submit.

They will have to provide.

They will have to co-operate.

They will have to appoint.

Janhavi and Vedant will have to dance.

Prashant and Ashwini will have to teach.

He will have to continue.

He will have to enquire.

Vedant will have to play.

She will have to continue.

Janhavi will have to discuss.

She will have to combine.

It will have to jump.

The dog will have to run.


नकारार्थी वाक्य  

How to Use “will have to” as an Auxiliary Verb in Negative Sentences

नकारार्थी वाक्यांमध्ये will + not हे साह्यकारी क्रियापद  वापरावे.

Subject + will + not + have to + v1.

will + not = won’t

I won’t have to break.

I won’t have to clean.

I won’t have to compromise.

I won’t have to sing.

I won’t have to learn.

We won’t have to pay.

We won’t have to suggest.

We won’t have to accept.

We won’t have to excuse.

We won’t have to donate.

You won’t have to build.

You won’t have to make.

You won’t have to maintain.

You won’t have to protect.

You won’t have to submit.

They won’t have to provide.

They won’t have to co-operate.

They won’t have to appoint.

Janhavi and Vedant won’t have to dance.

Prashant and Ashwini won’t have to teach.

He won’t have to continue.

He won’t have to enquire.

Vedant won’t have to play.

She won’t have to continue.

Janhavi won’t have to discuss.

She won’t have to combine.

It won’t have to jump.

The dog won’t have to run.


प्रश्नार्थक वाक्य

How to Use “will have to” as an Auxiliary Verb in Interrogative Sentences 

 Will + subject + have to + v 1?

Will I have to break?

Will I have to clean?

Will I have to compromise?

Will I have to not learn?

Will we have to pay?

Will we have to suggest?

Will we have to accept?

Will we have to donate?

Will you have to build?

Will you have to make?

Will you have to maintain?

Will they have to provide?

Will they have to appoint?

Will Janhavi and Vedant have to dance?

Will he have to continue?

Will he have to enquire?

Will Vedant have to play?

Will she have to combine?

Will it have to jump?


How to Use “will have to” as an Auxiliary Verb in Negative Interrogative Sentences 

Won’t + s + have to + v1?

Won’t I have to not sing?

Won’t we have to excuse?

Won’t you have to protect?

Won’t you have to submit?

Won’t they have to co-operate?

Won’t Prashant and Ashwini have to teach?

Won’t she have to continue?

Won’t Janhavi have to discuss?

Won’t the dog have to run?


On this blog, we are trying to provide innovative and practical information based on familiar things so that we can further improve the basic knowledge of the English language that we are familiar with.

Also we must remember that English is not knowledge but it is a language, a medium to express knowledge.

 या ब्लॉगवर आपल्याला परिचित असणाऱ्या इंग्लिश भाषेच्या पायाभूत माहिती मध्ये आणखी सुधारणा करता यावी म्हणून परिचित गोष्टींवर आधारित नावीन्यपूर्ण सरावास सुलभ अशी माहिती देण्याचा प्रयत्न करत आहोत.

     तसेच आपण हेही लक्षात ठेवले पाहिजे की इंग्रजी म्हणजे ज्ञान नव्हे तर ती एक भाषा आहे, ज्ञान प्रकट करण्याचे एक माध्यम आहे.

How to Use “had to” as an Auxiliary Verb

In this lesson we will learn how to use had to as an Auxiliary Verb with the verb root (V1).

In negative and interrogative sentences, use the auxiliary verb did and have to instead of had to.

We are also going to use a suitable formula for that so that it will be easy to understand.

The verb uses this construction to show whether or not an action had to be done in the past.

या सदरामध्ये आपण had to चा वापर क्रियापद म्हणून  क्रियापदाच्या मुळ रुपासोबत ( V1) कसा करावा याविषयी इत्यंभूत माहिती घेणार आहोत.

नकारार्थी व प्रश्नार्थक वाक्यांमध्ये did हे साह्यकारी क्रियापद व had to ऐवजी have to हे रूप वापरावे.

त्यासाठी योग्य अशा सूत्राचा सुद्धा वापर करणार आहोत म्हणजे समजायला सोपे जाईल.

क्रिया करणाऱ्यास एखादी क्रिया भूतकाळात करावीच लागत होती किंवा नव्हती हे दर्शवण्यासाठी या रचनेचा वापर करतात.


होकारार्थी वाक्य

How to Use “had to” as a Auxiliary Verb in Affirmative Sentences

Subject + had to + v1.

I had to break.

I had to clean.

I had to compromise.

I had to sing.

I had to learn.

We had to pay.

We had to suggest.

We had to accept.

We had to excuse.

We had to donate.

You have to build.

You have to make.

You had to maintain.

You had to protect.

You had to submit.

They had to provide.

They had to co-operate.

They had to appoint.

Janhavi and Vedant had to dance.

Prashant and Ashwini had to teach.

He had to continue.

He had to enquire.

Vedant had to play.

She had to continue.

Janhavi had to discuss.

She had to combine.

It had to jump.

The dog had to run.


नकारार्थी वाक्य  

How to Use “had to” as a Auxiliary Verb in Negative Sentences

नकारार्थी वाक्यांमध्ये did + not हे साह्यकारी क्रियापद व had to ऐवजी have to हे रूप वापरावे.

Subject + did + not + have to + v1.

did + not = didn’t

I didn’t have to break.

I didn’t have to clean.

I didn’t have to compromise.

I didn’t have to sing.

I didn’t have to learn.

We didn’t have to pay.

We didn’t have to suggest.

We didn’t have to accept.

We didn’t have to excuse.

We didn’t have to donate.

You didn’t have to build.

You didn’t have to make.

You didn’t have to maintain.

You didn’t have to protect.

You didn’t have to submit.

They didn’t have to provide.

They didn’t have to co-operate.

They didn’t have to appoint.

Janhavi and Vedant didn’t have to dance.

Prashant and Ashwini didn’t have to teach.

He didn’t have to continue.

He didn’t have to enquire.

Vedant didn’t have to play.

She didn’t have to continue.

Janhavi didn’t have to discuss.

She didn’t have to combine.

It didn’t have to jump.

The dog didn’t have to run.


प्रश्नार्थक वाक्य

How to Use “had to” as a Auxiliary Verb in Interogative Sentences

प्रश्नार्थक वाक्यांमध्ये did  हे साह्यकारी क्रियापद व had to ऐवजी have to हे रूप वापरावे.

Did + subject + have to + v 1?

Didn’t + s + have to + v1?

Did I have to break?

Did I have to clean?

Did I have to compromise?

Didn’t I have to not sing?

Did I have to not learn?

Did we have to pay?

Did we have to suggest?

Did we have to accept?

Didn’t we have to excuse?

Did we have to donate?

Did you have to build?

Did you have to make?

Did you have to maintain?

Didn’t you have to protect?

Didn’t you have to submit?

Did they have to provide?

Didn’t they have to co-operate?

Did they have to appoint?

Did Janhavi and Vedant have to dance?

Didn’t Prashant and Ashwini have to teach?

Did he have to continue?

Did he have to enquire?

Did Vedant have to play?

Didn’t she have to continue?

Didn’t Janhavi have to discuss?

Did she have to combine?

Did it have to jump?

Didn’t the dog have to run?


We at this blog spot are trying to provide innovative and easy to practice information based on familiar things so that we can further improve the basic knowledge of the English language that we are familiar with.

Also we must remember that English is not knowledge but it is a language, a medium to express knowledge.

आपण या ब्लॉग स्पॉटवर आपल्याला परिचित असणाऱ्या इंग्लिश भाषेच्या पायाभूत माहिती मध्ये आणखी सुधारणा करता यावी म्हणून परिचित गोष्टींवर आधारित नावीन्यपूर्ण व सरावास सुलभ अशी माहिती देण्याचा प्रयत्न करत आहोत.

तसेच आपण हेही लक्षात ठेवले पाहिजे की इंग्रजी म्हणजे ज्ञान नव्हे तर ती एक भाषा आहे, ज्ञान प्रकट करण्याचे एक माध्यम आहे.