Using can as a helping verb with v1 || can चा  सहाय्यक क्रियापद म्हणून मुख्य क्रियापदाच्या मुळ रुपासोबत ( V1) वापर

Using can as a helping verb with v1

can चा  सहाय्यक क्रियापद म्हणून मुख्य क्रियापदाच्या मुळ रुपासोबत ( V1) वापर

In this lesson we will learn how to use can as an auxiliary verb with the root form (V1) of the main verb. We are also going to use a suitable formula for that so that it will be easy to understand.

This structure is used  to indicate whether an action is physically, mentally, or legally possible for a person  performing an action, as well as to request and grant permission.

या सदरामध्ये आपण can चा वापर सहाय्यक क्रियापद म्हणून मुख्य क्रियापदाच्या मुळ रुपासोबत ( V1) कसा करावा याविषयी इत्यंभूत माहिती घेणार आहोत. त्यासाठी योग्य अशा सूत्राचा सुद्धा वापर करणार आहोत म्हणजे समजायला सोपे जाईल.

एखादी क्रिया करताना कार्य करणाऱ्या व्यक्तीला शारीरिक मानसिक किंवा कायदेशीरपणे करणे शक्य आहे किंवा नाही हे दर्शवण्यासाठी तसेच विनंती व परवानगी देण्या घेण्यासाठी या रचनेचा वापर करतात.


Using can as a helping verb with v1



होकारार्थी वाक्य

How to use can as an auxiliary verb with the root form (V1) in Affirmative Sentences

Subject + can + main verb (v1).

I can break.

I can clean.

I can compromise.

I can sing.

I can learn.

We can pay.

We can suggest.

We can accept.

We can excuse.

We can donate.

You can build.

You can make.

You can maintain.

You can protect.

You can submit.

He can continue.

He can enquire.

Vedant can play.

She can continue.

Janhavi can discuss.

She can combine.

It can jump.

The dog can run.

They can provide.

They can co-operate.

They can appoint.

Janhavi and Vedant can dance.

Prashant and Ashwini can teach.


नकारार्थी वाक्य 

How to use can as an auxiliary verb with the root form (V1) in Negative Sentences

Subject + can not + main verb (v1).

I can’t break.

I can’t clean.

I can’t compromise.

I can’t sing.

I can’t learn.

We can’t pay.

We can’t suggest.

We can’t accept.

We can’t excuse.

We can’t donate.

You can’t build.

You can’t make.

You can’t maintain.

You can’t protect.

You can’t submit.

He can’t continue.

He can’t enquire.

Vedant can’t play.

She can’t continue.

Janhavi can’t discuss.

She can’t combine.

It can’t jump.

The dog can’t run.

They can’t provide.

They can’t co-operate.

They can’t appoint.

Janhavi and Vedant can’t dance.

Prashant and Ashwini can’t teach.


प्रश्नार्थक वाक्य

How to use can as an auxiliary verb with the root form (V1) in Interrogative Sentences 

Can + subject + v 1?

Can’t + subject + v 1?

Can I break?

Can I clean?

Can I compromise?

Can’t I sing?

Can’t I learn?

Can we pay?

Can we suggest?

Can we accept?

Can’t we excuse?

Can’t we donate?

Can you build?

Can you make?

Can you maintain?

Can’t you protect?

Can’t you submit?

Can he continue?

Can he enquire?

Can Vedant play?

Can’t she continue?

Can’t Janhavi discuss?

Can she combine?

Can it jump?

Can’t the dog run?

Can they provide?

Can’t they co-operate?

Can they appoint?

Can Janhavi and Vedant dance?

Can’t Prashant and Ashwini teach?


Using will have been – Future Perfect Continuous Tense / will have been चा वापर – पूर्ण अपूर्ण भविष्य काळ

Future Perfect Continuous Tense

Using will have been –  / will have been चा वापर – पूर्ण अपूर्ण भविष्य काळ

In this article we’re going to know how to use will have been as a helping verb (auxiliary) with the help of some sentences.

Will have been is used to show that an action will continue for some time in the future.
This is called Future Perfect Continuous.

     या सदरामध्ये आपण will have been चा वापर सहाय्यकारी क्रियाप म्हणून कसा करावा याविषयी माहिती घेणार आहोत.

क्रिया भविष्य काळात  नित्य नियमित घडून, ती पुढे काही काळ चालू राहणार हे  दाखवण्यासाठी will have been चा वापर करावा लागतो.

यालाच पूर्ण अपूर्ण भविष्य काळ (Future Perfect Continuous) असे म्हणतात .

Future Perfect Continuous Tense


Using will have been – Future Perfect Continuous Tense in Affirmative sentences

      Sub.+ will have been  + v +ing 

1. I will have been bringing.

2. I will have been singing.

3. You will have been neglecting.

4. You will have been co-operating.

5. They will have been enjoying.

6. They will have been handling.

7. You will have been advising.

8. Vedant and Janhavi will have been donating.

9. Prashant and Sonali will have been consulting.

10. You will have been maintaining.

11. We will have been trying.

12.She will have been selecting.

13.Janhavi will have been repeating.

14.He will have been operating.

15.Vedant will have been inviting.

16.It will have been crying.

17.Ganesh will have been replying.

18.He will have been submitting.

19.Sonali will have been demanding .

20.She will have been working.


Using will have been – Future Perfect Continuous Tense in Negative sentences

       Subject + won’t have been + v + ing

1. I won’t have been bringing.

2. I won’t have been singing.

3. You won’t have been neglecting.

4. You won’t have been co-operating.

5. They won’t have been enjoying.

6. They won’t have been handling.

7. You won’t have been advising.

8. Vedant and Janhavi won’t have been donating.

9. Prashant and Sonali won’t have been consulting.

10. You won’t have been maintaining

11.  We won’t have been trying.

12. She won’t have been advertising.

13.Janhavi won’t have been directing.

14.He won’t have been replying.

15.Vedant won’t have been announcing.

16.It won’t have been coming.

17.Lion won’t have been roaring.

18.Ganesh won’t have been concentrating.

19.He won’t have been co-operating.

20.Sonali won’t have been discussing.

21.She won’t have been submitting.


Using will have been – Future Perfect Continuous Tense in Interrogative sentences

    Will have / Won’t have  + subject + been + V+ing

1. Will have I been taking ?

2. Will have I been discussing ?

3. Will have you been operating ?

4. Won’t have you been studying ?

5. Won’t have they been joining?

6. Won’t have he been promising ?

7. Won’t have you been submitting ?

8. Won’t have Vedant and Janhavi been inviting ?

9. Will have Prashant and Sonali been replying ?

10.Will have You been demanding ?

11.Will have we been announcing ?

12.Will have she been advertising?

13.Will have Janhavi  been directing?

14.Will have he been replying ?

15.Will have Vedant been announcing ?

16.Won’t have  been coming ?

17.Won’t have lion been roaring ?

18.Will have Ganesh been concentrating ?

19.Hadn’t he been co-operating ?

20.Will have Sonali been discussing ?

21.Won’t have she been submitting ?



Using will have shall have in Future Perfect Tense / will have , shall have चा वापर पूर्ण भविष्य काळात करणे .

how to use "will have/ shall have" as a helping verb


In this article we’re going to know  (auxiliary) with the help of some sentences. “will have/shall have” should be used with the  third form of the verb (V3 i.e. Past Participle) in such a way to make it clear that the action will be completed in the future. This is called Future Perfect Tense in grammar.

या सदरामध्ये आपण will have/ shall have चा वापर सहाय्यकारी क्रियापद म्हणून कसा करावा याविषयी माहिती घेणार आहोत.

क्रिया भविष्य काळात पूर्ण होणारच असल्याची  जाणीव करून देण्यासाठी अशा पद्धतीने will have/ shall have चा वापर क्रियापदाच्या तिसऱ्या रुपासोबत(V3 म्हणजेच Past Participle) करावा  लागतो.

यालाच व्याकरणाच्या भाषेत पूर्ण भविष्यकाळ (Future Perfect Tense) म्हणतात .

how to use "will have/ shall have" as a helping verb


 Using will have, shall have in Future Perfect Tense in Affirmative sentences

Sub.+ will have + v3.

V3= क्रियापदाचे तिसरे रूप (past participle)

1. I will have bought.

2. I will have taken.

3. You will have cancelled.

4. You will have learnt.

5. They will have announced.

6. They will have mistaken.

7. You will have handled.

8. Vedant and Janhavi will have compromised.

9. Prashant and Sonali will have donated.

10. You will have demanded.

11.She will have advertised.

12.Janhavi will have directed.

13.He will have replied.

14.Vedant will have  announced.

15.It will have come.

16.Lion will have roared.

17.Ganesh will have concentrated.

18.He will have co-operated.

19.Sonali will have discussed.

20.She will have submitted.


Using will have, shall have in Future Perfect Tense in Negative sentences

 Subject + won’t have + past participle.

1. I won’t have bought.

2. I won’t have taken.

3. You won’t have cancelled.

4. You won’t have learnt.

5. They won’t have announced.

6. They won’t have mistaken.

7. You won’t have handled.

8. Vedant and Janhavi won’t have compromised.

9. Prashant and Sonali won’t have donated.

10. You won’t have demanded.

11.She won’t have advertised.

12.Janhavi won’t have directed.

13.He won’t have replied.

14.Vedant won’t have announced.

15.It won’t have come.

16.Lion won’t have roared.

17.Ganesh won’t have concentrated.

18.He won’t have co-operated.

19.Sonali won’t have discussed.

20.She won’t have submitted.


Using will have, shall have in Future Perfect Tense in Interrogative Sentences 

Will / Won’t + subject + have + V3 ?   

1. Will I have bought ?

2. Will I have taken ?

3. Will you have cancelled ?

4. Will you have learnt ?

5. Will they have announced ?

6. Won’t they have mistaken ?

7. Will you have handled ?

8. Won’t Vedant and Janhavi have compromised ?

9. Will  Prashant and Sonali have donated ?

10. Will  you have demanded ?

11.Will she have advertised ?

12.Will  Janhavi have directed ?

13.Won’t he have replied ?

14.Will Vedant have announced ?

15.Will  it have come ?

16.Won’t lion have roared ?

17.Will Ganesh have concentrated ?

18.Will he have co-operated ?

19.Will Sonali have discussed ?

20.Won’t she have submitted ?


Using “had been”, Past perfect continuous Tense | “had been” चा वापर कसा करावा, पूर्ण अपूर्ण भूतकाळ 

Past perfect continuous Tense

 Using had been | Past perfect continuous Tense | had been चा वापर कसा करावा, पूर्ण अपूर्ण भूतकाळ

          In this article we’re going to know how to use “Had Beenas a helping verb (auxiliary)  in past continuous tense with the help of some sentences.

          या सदरामध्ये आपण had been चा वापर सहाय्यकारी क्रियापद म्हणून कसा करावा याविषयी माहिती घेणार आहोत.

क्रिया काही काळापासून नित्य नियमित भूतकाळात घडत आलेली होती व ती पुढे पूर्णपणे बंद झाली हे  दाखवण्यासाठी  had been चा वापर करावा लागतो.

कर्ता  एकवचनी व अनेकवचनी … had been चा वापर होतो..


Past perfect continuous Tense
Past perfect continuous Tense


  Using had been, Past perfect continuous Tense in Affirmative sentences

                Sub.+ had been  + v +ing 

1. I had been bringing.

2. I had been singing.

3. You had been neglecting.

4. You had been co-operating.

5. They had been enjoying.

6. They had been handling.

7. You had been advising.

8. Vedant and Janhavi had been donating.

9. Prashant and Sonali had been consulting.

10. You had been maintaining.

11. We had been trying.

12.She had been selecting.

13.Janhavi had been repeating.

14.He had been operating.

15.Vedant had been inviting.

16.It had been crying.

17.Ganesh had been replying.

18.He had been submitting.

19.Sonali had been demanding .

20.She had been working.



Using had been, Past perfect continuous Tense in Negative sentences

                      Subject + hadn’t been + v + ing

1. I hadn’t been bringing.

2. I hadn’t been singing.

3. You hadn’t been neglecting.

4. You hadn’t been co-operating.

5. They hadn’t been enjoying.

6. They hadn’t been handling.

7. You hadn’t been advising.

8. Vedant and Janhavi hadn’t been donating.

9. Prashant and Sonali hadn’t been consulting.

10. You hadn’t been maintaining

11.  We  hadn’t been trying.

12. She hadn’t been advertising.

13.Janhavi hadn’t been directing.

14.He hadn’t been replying.

15.Vedant hadn’t been announcing.

16.It hadn’t been coming.

17.Lion hadn’t been roaring.

18.Ganesh hadn’t been concentrating.

19.He hadn’t been co-operating.

20.Sonali hadn’t been discussing.

21.She hadn’t been submitting.


Using had been, Past perfect continuous Tense in Interrogative sentences

         Had/Hadn’t + subject + been + V+ing

1. Had I been taking ?

2. Had I been discussing ?

3. Had you been operating ?

4. Hadn’t you been studying ?

5. Hadn’t they been joining?

6. Hadn’t he been promising ?

7. Hadn’t you been submitting ?

8. Hadn’t Vedant and Janhavi been inviting ?

9. Had Prashant and Sonali been replying ?

10. Had You been demanding ?

11. Had we been announcing ?

12.Had she been advertising?

13.Had Janhavi  been directing?

14.Had he been replying ?

15.Had Vedant been announcing ?

16.Had it  been coming ?

17.Had’t lion been roaring ?

18.Had Ganesh been concentrating ?

19.Hadn’t he been co-operating ?

20.Had Sonali been discussing ?

21.Hadn’t she been submitting ?
