How to Use “going to” as Auxiliary Verb

going to in past tense

In this lesson we will learn how to use “going to” as a verb with the verb root (V1).

We are also going to use a suitable formula for that so that it will be easy to understand.

This construction is used to indicate whether an action will happen immediately and definitely in the future.

**********************************going to 

या सदरामध्ये आपण going to चा वापर  क्रियापद म्हणून  क्रियापदाच्या मुळ रुपासोबत ( V1) कसा करावा याविषयी इत्यंभूत माहिती घेणार आहोत.

त्यासाठी योग्य अशा सूत्राचा सुद्धा वापर करणार आहोत म्हणजे समजायला सोपे जाईल.

एखादी क्रिया भविष्यकाळात लगेचच आणि निश्चितपणे घडणारआहे किंवा नाही हे दर्शवण्यासाठी या रचनेचा वापर करतात.


होकारार्थी वाक्य

How to Use “going to” as Auxiliary Verb in Affirmative Sentences

Subject + am/is/are + going to + v1.

I am going to break.

I am going to clean.

I am going to compromise.

I am going to sing.

I am going to learn.

We are going to pay.

We are going to suggest.

We are going to accept.

We are going to excuse.

We are going to donate.

You are going to build.

You are going to make.

You are going to maintain.

You are going to protect.

You are going to submit.

He is going to continue.

He is going to enquire.

Vedant is going to play.

She is going to continue.

Janhavi is going to discuss.

She is going to combine.

It is going to jump.

The dog is going to run.

They are going to provide.

They are going to co-operate.

They are going to appoint.

Janhavi and Vedant are going to dance.

Prashant and Ashwini are going to teach.


नकारार्थी वाक्य  

How to Use “going to” as Auxiliary Verb in Negative Sentences

Subject + am/is/are + not + going to + v1.

I am not going to break.

I am not going to clean.

I am not going to compromise.

I am not going to sing.

I am not going to learn.

We are not going to pay.

We are not going to suggest.

We are not going to accept.

We are not going to excuse.

We are not going to donate.

You are not going to build.

You are not going to make.

You are not going to maintain.

You are not going to protect.

You are not going to submit.

He is not going to continue.

He is not going to enquire.

Vedant is not going to play.

She is not going to continue.

Janhavi is not going to discuss.

She is not going to combine.

It is not going to jump.

The dog is not going to  run.

They are not going to provide.

They are not going to co-operate.

They are not going to appoint.

Janhavi and Vedant are not going to dance.

Prashant and Ashwini are not going to teach.

********************Simple Future Tense

प्रश्नार्थक वाक्य

How to Use “going to” as Auxiliary Verb in Interrogative Sentences 

 Am/Is/Are + subject + going to + v 1?

 Am/Is/Are + not + subject + v 1?

Am I going to break?

Am I going to clean?

Am I going to compromise?

Am I going to not sing?

Am I going to not learn?

Are we going to pay?

Are we going to suggest?

Are we going to accept?

Aren’t we going to excuse?

Are we going to donate?

Are you going to build?

Are you going to make?

Are you going to maintain?

Aren’t you going to protect?

Aren’t you going to submit?

Is he going to continue?

Is he going to enquire?

Is Vedant going to play?

Isn’t she going to continue?

Isn’t Janhavi going to discuss?

Is she going to combine?

Is it going to jump?

Isn’t the dog going to run?

Are they going to provide?

Aren’t they going to co-operate?

Are they going to appoint?

Are Janhavi and Vedant going to dance?

Aren’t Prashant and Ashwini going to teach?


   We at this blog spot are trying to provide innovative and easy to practice information based on familiar things so that we can further improve the basic knowledge of the English language that we are familiar with.

Also we must remember that English is not knowledge but it is a language, a medium to express knowledge

आपण या ब्लॉग स्पॉटवर आपल्याला परिचित असणाऱ्या इंग्लिश भाषेच्या पायाभूत माहिती मध्ये आणखी सुधारणा करता यावी म्हणून परिचित गोष्टींवर आधारित नावीन्यपूर्ण व सरावास सुलभ अशी माहिती देण्याचा प्रयत्न करत आहोत.

तसेच आपण हेही लक्षात ठेवले पाहिजे की इंग्रजी म्हणजे ज्ञान नव्हे तर ती एक भाषा आहे, ज्ञान प्रकट करण्याचे एक माध्यम आहे.


Learn How to Use “must” as an Auxiliary Verb with the root form (V1) of the Main Verb

Use "must" as an Auxiliary Verb with the root form (V1) of the Main Verb

In this lesson we will learn how to use “must” as an auxiliary verb with the root form (V1) of the main verb.

We are also going to use a suitable formula for that so that it will be easy to understand.

This construction is used to indicate that the doer of an action must do it or that it is absolutely necessary to do it.

या सदरामध्ये आपण “must” चा वापर सहाय्यक क्रियापद म्हणून मुख्य क्रियापदाच्या मुळ रुपासोबत ( V1) कसा करावा याविषयी इत्यंभूत माहिती घेणार आहोत.

त्यासाठी योग्य अशा सूत्राचा सुद्धा वापर करणार आहोत म्हणजे समजायला सोपे जाईल.

एखादी क्रिया करणाऱ्याने ती केलीच पाहिजे किंवा ती करण्याची नितांत गरज आहे हे दर्शवण्यासाठी या रचनेचा वापर करतात.

*****************************************************  must- केलेच पाहिजे Use "must" as an Auxiliary Verb with the root form (V1) of the Main Verb

होकारार्थी वाक्य

Affirmative Sentences

Subject + must + main verb (v1).

I must break.

I must clean.

I must compromise.

I must sing.

I must learn.

We must pay.

We must suggest.

We must accept.

We must excuse.

We must donate.

You must build.

You must make.

You must maintain.

You must protect.

You must submit.

He must continue.

He must enquire.

Vedant must play.

She must continue.

Janhavi must discuss.

She must combine.

It must jump.

The dog must run.

They must provide.

They must co-operate.

They must appoint.

Janhavi and Vedant must dance.

Prashant and Ashwini must teach.

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!should have

नकारार्थी वाक्य  

Negative Sentences

Subject + must not + main verb (v1).

must not = mustn’t = करायला नकोच 

टिप: mustn’t चा उच्चार काही ठिकाणी musn’t असा करतात पण स्पेलिंग mustn’t असेच योग्य आहे .

I mustn’t break.

I mustn’t clean.

I mustn’t compromise.

I mustn’t sing.

I mustn’t learn.

We mustn’t pay.

We mustn’t suggest.

We mustn’t accept.

We mustn’t excuse.

We mustn’t donate.

You mustn’t build.

You mustn’t make.

You mustn’t maintain.

You mustn’t protect.

You mustn’t submit.

He mustn’t continue.

He mustn’t enquire.

Vedant mustn’t play.

She mustn’t continue.

Janhavi mustn’t discuss.

She mustn’t combine.

It mustn’t jump.

The dog mustn’t run.

They mustn’t provide.

They mustn’t co-operate.

They mustn’t appoint.

Janhavi and Vedant mustn’t dance.

Prashant and Ashwini mustn’t teach.


प्रश्नार्थक वाक्य

Interrogative Sentences 

must + subject + v 1?

mustn’t + subject + v 1?

Must I break?

Must I clean?

Must I compromise?

Mustn’t I sing?

Mustn’t I learn?

Must we pay?

Must we suggest?

Must we accept?

Mustn’t we excuse?

Must we donate?

Must you build?

Must you make?

Must you maintain?

Mustn’t you protect?

Mustn’t you submit?

Must he continue?

Must he enquire?

Must Vedant play?

Mustn’t she continue?

Mustn’t Janhavi discuss?

Must she combine?

Must it jump?

Mustn’t the dog run?

Must they provide?

Mustn’t they co-operate?

Must they appoint?

Must Janhavi and Vedant dance?

Mustn’t Prashant and Ashwini teach?


We at this blog spot are trying to provide innovative and easy to practice information based on familiar things so that we can further improve the basic knowledge of the English language that we are familiar with.

Also we must remember that English is not knowledge but it is a language, a medium to get & express knowledge.

आपण या ब्लॉग स्पॉटवर आपल्याला परिचित असणाऱ्या इंग्लिश भाषेच्या पायाभूत माहिती मध्ये आणखी सुधारणा करता यावी म्हणून परिचित गोष्टींवर आधारित नावीन्यपूर्ण व सरावास सुलभ अशी माहिती देण्याचा प्रयत्न करत आहोत.

तसेच आपण हेही लक्षात ठेवले पाहिजे की इंग्रजी म्हणजे ज्ञान नव्हे तर ती एक भाषा आहे, ज्ञान प्रकट करण्याचे एक माध्यम आहे.

Learn How to Use “should have” as an Auxiliary Verb.

should have

 In this chapter we will learn how to use “should have” as an auxiliary verb.

     “Should have” is used in this way to show that an action needed to be done in the past but was not done.

या सदरामध्ये आपण “should have” चा वापर सहाय्यकारी क्रियापद म्हणून कसा करावा याविषयी माहिती घेणार आहोत.

एखादी क्रिया भूतकाळामध्ये करण्याची गरज होती पण ती केली गेली नाही हे दाखवण्यासाठी अशा पद्धतीने “should have” चा वापर करावा लागतो.

””””””””””””””””””””””””’should have

Use “should have” as an auxiliary verb in Affirmative sentences

  Sub.+ should have + v3.

  V3= क्रियापदाचे तिसरे रूप (past participle)

1. I should have bought.

2. I should have taken.

3. You should have cancelled.

4. You should have learnt.

5. They should have announced.

6. They should have mistaken.

7. You should have handled.

8. Vedant and Janhavi should have compromised.

9. Prashant and Sonali should have donated.

10. You should have demanded.

11.She should have advertised.

12.Janhavi should have directed.

13.He should have replied.

14.Vedant should have announced.

15.It should have come.

16.Lion should have roared.

17.Ganesh should have concentrated.

18.He should have co-operated.

19.Sonali should have discussed.

20.She should have submitted.


Use “should have” as an auxiliary verb in Negative sentences

 Subject + shouldn’t have + past participle.

1. I shouldn’t have bought.

2. I shouldn’t have taken.

3. You shouldn’t have cancelled.

4. You shouldn’t have learnt.

5. They shouldn’t have announced.

6. They shouldn’t have mistaken.

7. You shouldn’t have handled.

8. Vedant and Janhavi shouldn’t have compromised.

9. Prashant and Sonali shouldn’t have donated.

10. You shouldn’t have demanded.

11.She shouldn’t have advertised.

12.Janhavi shouldn’t have directed.

13.He shouldn’t have replied.

14.Vedant shouldn’t have announced.

15.It shouldn’t have come.

16.Lion shouldn’t have roared.

17.Ganesh shouldn’t have concentrated.

18.He shouldn’t have co-operated.

19.Sonali shouldn’t have discussed.

20.She shouldn’t have submitted.


Use “should have” as an auxiliary verb in Interrogative sentences

Should/Shouldn’t + subject + have + p.p.(v3)?  

1. Should I have bought ?

2. Should I have taken ?

3. Should you have cancelled ?

4. Shouldn’t you have learnt ?

5. Should they have announced ?

6. Shouldn’t they have mistaken ?

7. Should you have handled ?

8. Shouldn’t Vedant and Janhavi have compromised ?

9. Should Prashant and Sonali have donated ?

10.Should you have demanded ?

11.Should she have advertised ?

12.Should Janhavi have directed ?

13.Should he have replied ?

14.Should Vedant have announced ?

15.Should it have come ?

16.Shouldn’t lion have roared ?

17.Should Ganesh have concentrated ?

18.Shouldn’t he have co-operated ?

19.Should Sonali have discussed ?

20.Shouldn’t she have submitted ?


अशाच पद्धतीची इंग्रजी व्याकरण व इंग्रजी स्पिकिंग साठी आवश्यक असणारी पायाभूत माहिती मिळविण्यासाठी आमच्या वेबसाईटला भेट द्या व अधिकाधिक माहिती मिळवा….




How to use Should as an Auxiliary Verb with the root form (V1) of the main verb.

How to use Should as an Auxiliary Verb with the root form (V1) of the main verb.

In this lesson we will learn how to use Should as an auxiliary verb with the root form (V1) of the main verb. We are also going to use a suitable formula for that so that it will be easy to understand. This structure is used to indicate whether an action needs to be done or not.

या सदरामध्ये आपण Should चा वापर सहाय्यक क्रियापद म्हणून मुख्य क्रियापदाच्या मुळ रुपासोबत ( V1) कसा करावा याविषयी इत्यंभूत माहिती घेणार आहोत.  त्यासाठी योग्य अशा सूत्राचा सुद्धा वापर करणार आहोत म्हणजे समजायला सोपे जाईल.   एखादी क्रिया होण्याची गरज आहे  किंवा नाही हे दर्शवण्यासाठी या रचनेचा वापर करतात.



होकारार्थी वाक्य

How to use Should as an auxiliary verb with the root form (V1) of the main verb in Affirmative Sentences

Subject + should  + main verb (v1).

I should break.

I should clean.

I should compromise.

I should sing.

I should learn.

We should pay.

We should suggest.

We should accept.

We should excuse.

We should donate.

You should build.

You should make.

You should maintain.

You should protect.

You should submit.

He should continue.

He should enquire.

Vedant should play.

She should continue.

Janhavi should discuss.

She should combine.

It should jump.

The dog should run.

They should provide.

They should co-operate.

They should appoint.

Janhavi and Vedant should dance.

Prashant and Ashwini should teach.


नकारार्थी वाक्य

How to use Should as an auxiliary verb with the root form (V1) of the main verb in Negative Sentences

Subject + should not + main verb (v1).

I shouldn’t break.

I shouldn’t clean.

I shouldn’t compromise.

I shouldn’t sing.

I shouldn’t learn.

We shouldn’t pay.

We shouldn’t suggest.

We shouldn’t accept.

We shouldn’t excuse.

We shouldn’t donate.

You shouldn’t build.

You shouldn’t make.

You shouldn’t maintain.

You shouldn’t protect.

You shouldn’t submit.

He shouldn’t continue.

He shouldn’t enquire.

Vedant shouldn’t play.

She shouldn’t continue.

Janhavi shouldn’t discuss.

She shouldn’t combine.

It shouldn’t jump.

The dog shouldn’t run.

They shouldn’t provide.

They shouldn’t co-operate.

They shouldn’t appoint.

Janhavi and Vedant shouldn’t dance.

Prashant and Ashwini shouldn’t teach.


प्रश्नार्थक वाक्य

How to use Should as an auxiliary verb with the root form (V1) of the main verb in Interrogative Sentences 

Should + subject + v 1?

Shouldn’t+ subject + v 1?

Should I break?

Should I clean?

Should I compromise?

Shouldn’t I sing?

Shouldn’t I learn?

Should we pay?

Should we suggest?

Should we accept?

Shouldn’t we excuse?

Should we donate?

Should you build?

Should you make?

Should you maintain?

Shouldn’t you protect?

Shouldn’t you submit?

Should he continue?

Should he enquire?

Should Vedant play?

Shouldn’t she continue?

Shouldn’t Janhavi discuss?

Should she combine?

Should it jump?

Shouldn’t the dog run?

Should they provide?

Shouldn’t they co-operate?

Should they appoint?

Should Janhavi and Vedant dance?

Shouldn’t Prashant and Ashwini teach?…of-the-main-verb/


How to Use able to as an Auxiliary Verb with the Main Verb (V1) in the Future Tense.

How to Use able to as an Auxiliary Verb with the Main Verb (V1) in the Future Tense

     In this lesson we will learn how to use able to as an auxiliary verb with the main verb stem (V1) in the future tense.
We are also going to use a suitable formula for that so that it will be easy to understand.
This structure is used to indicate whether or not the person performing an action may or may not be physically, mentally and legally competent, and that he or she is not dependent on others.

या सदरामध्ये आपण able to चा वापर सहाय्यक क्रियापद म्हणून मुख्य क्रियापदाच्या मुळ रुपासोबत ( V1) भविष्य काळात कसा करावा याविषयी इत्यंभूत माहिती घेणार आहोत.
त्यासाठी योग्य अशा सूत्राचा सुद्धा वापर करणार आहोत म्हणजे समजायला सोपे जाईल.
एखादी क्रिया करताना कार्य करणारी व्यक्ती शारीरिक, मानसिक व कायदेशीरपणे सक्षम असेल  किंवा नसेल तसेच त्यास इतरांवर अवलंबून रहावे लागणार नाही हे दर्शवण्यासाठी या रचनेचा वापर करतात.

How to Use able to as an Auxiliary Verb with the Main Verb (V1) in the Future Tense

होकारार्थी वाक्य
1. Use “able to” as an auxiliary verb with the main verb (V1) in the future tense in Affirmative Sentences
Subject + will be + able to  + main verb (v1).

I will be able to break.
I will be able to clean.
I will be able to compromise.
I will be able to sing.
I will be able to learn.
We will be able to pay.
We will be able to suggest.
We will be able to accept.
We will be able to excuse.
We will be able to donate.
You will be able to build.
You will be able to make.
You will be able to maintain.
You will be able to protect.
You will be able to submit.
He will be able to continue.
He will be able to enquire.
Vedant will be able to play.
She will be able to continue.
Janhavi will be able to discuss.
She will be able to combine.
It will be able to jump.
The dog will be able to run.
They will be able to provide.
They will be able to co-operate.
They will be able to appoint.
Janhavi and Vedant will be able to dance.
Prashant and Ashwini will be able to teach.

नकारार्थी वाक्य
2. Use “able to” as an auxiliary verb with the main verb (V1) in the future tense in Negative Sentences
Subject + will + not + be + able to + main verb (v1).
will not = won’t

I won’t be able to break.
I won’t be able to clean.
I won’t be able to compromise.
I won’t be able to sing.
I won’t be able to learn.
We won’t be able to pay.
We won’t be able to suggest.
We won’t be able to accept.
We won’t be able to excuse.
We won’t be able to donate.
You won’t be able to build.
You won’t be able to make.
You won’t be able to maintain.
You won’t be able to protect.
You won’t be able to submit.
He won’t be able to continue.
He won’t be able to enquire.
Vedant won’t be able to play.
She won’t be able to continue.
Janhavi won’t be able to discuss.
She won’t be able to combine.
It won’t be able to jump.
The dog won’t be able to run.
They won’t be able to provide.
They won’t be able to co-operate.
They won’t be able to appoint.
Janhavi and Vedant won’t be able to dance.
Prashant and Ashwini won’t be able to teach.

प्रश्नार्थक वाक्य
3. Use “able to” as an auxiliary verb with the main verb (V1) in the future tense in Interrogative Sentence
Will + subject + be + able to + v 1?
Won’t + subject + be + able to +  v 1?

Will I be able to break?
Will I be able to clean?
Will I be able to compromise?
Won’t I be able to sing?
Won’t I able to learn?
Will we be able to pay?
Will we be able to suggest?
Will we be able to accept?
Won’t we be able to excuse?
Won’t we be able to donate?
Will you be able to build?
Will you be able to make?
Will you be able to maintain?
Won’t you be able to protect?
Won’t you be able to submit?
Will he be able to continue?
Will he be able to enquire?
Will Vedant be able to play?
Won’t she be able to continue?
Won’t Janhavi be able to discuss?
Will she be able to combine?
Will it be able to jump?
Won’t the dog be able to run?
Will they be able to provide?
Won’t they be able to co-operate?
Will they be able to appoint?
Will Janhavi and Vedant be able to dance?
Won’t Prashant and Ashwini be able to teach?

How to Use able to as an Auxiliary Verb with the Main Verb (V1) in the Past Tense

How to Use able to as an Auxiliary Verb with the Main Verb (V1) in the Future Tense

In this lesson we will learn how to use able to as an auxiliary verb with the main verb stem (V1) in the past tense.

We are also going to use a suitable formula for that so that it will be easy to understand.

This structure is used to indicate that the person acting is physically, mentally and legally capable of performing an action and is not dependent on others.

     या सदरामध्ये आपण able to चा वापर सहाय्यक क्रियापद म्हणून मुख्य क्रियापदाच्या मुळ रुपासोबत ( V1) भूतकाळात कसा करावा याविषयी इत्यंभूत माहिती घेणार आहोत.

त्यासाठी योग्य अशा सूत्राचा सुद्धा वापर करणार आहोत म्हणजे समजायला सोपे जाईल.

एखादी क्रिया करताना कार्य करणारी व्यक्ती शारीरिक, मानसिक व कायदेशीरपणे सक्षम आहे किंवा नाही तसेच त्यास इतरांवर अवलंबून रहावे लागत नाही हे दर्शवण्यासाठी या रचनेचा वापर करतात.

****************************************************************How to Use able to as an Auxiliary Verb with the Main Verb (V1) in the Past Tense

होकारार्थी वाक्य

How to Use able to as an Auxiliary Verb with the Main Verb (V1) in the Past Tense

Affirmative Sentences

Subject + was / were + able to  + main verb (v1).

I was able to break.

I was able to clean.

I was able to compromise.

I was able to sing.

I was able to learn.

We were able to pay.

We were able to suggest.

We were able to accept.

We were able to excuse.

We were able to donate.

You were able to build.

You were able to make.

You were able to maintain.

You were able to protect.

You were able to submit.

He was able to continue.

He was able to enquire.

Vedant was able to play.

She was able to continue.

Janhavi was able to discuss.

She was able to combine.

It was able to jump.

The dog was able to run.

They were able to provide.

They were able to co-operate.

They were able to appoint.

Janhavi and Vedant were able to dance.

Prashant and Ashwini were able to teach.


नकारार्थी वाक्य  

How to Use able to as an Auxiliary Verb with the Main Verb (V1) in the Past Tense

Negative Sentences

Subject + was / were + not + able to + main verb (v1).

I was not able to break.

I was not able to clean.

I was not able to compromise.

I was not able to sing.

I was able to learn.

We were not able to pay.

We were not able to suggest.

We were not able to accept.

We were not able to excuse.

We were not able to donate.

You were not able to build.

You were not able to make.

You were not able to maintain.

You were not able to protect.

You were not able to submit.

He was not able to continue.

He was not able to enquire.

Vedant was not able to play.

She was not able to continue.

Janhavi was not able to discuss.

She was not able to combine.

It was not able to jump.

The dog was not able to run.

They were not able to provide.

They were not able to co-operate.

They were not able to appoint.

Janhavi and Vedant were not able to dance.

Prashant and Ashwini were not able to teach.


प्रश्नार्थक वाक्य

How to Use able to as an Auxiliary Verb with the Main Verb (V1) in the Past Tense

Interrogative Sentence

Was / Were + subject + able to + v 1?

Was / Were + not + subject + able to +  v 1?

Was I able to break?

Was I able to clean?

Was I able to compromise?

Wasn’t I able to sing?

Wasn’t I able to learn?

Were we able to pay?

Were we able to suggest?

Were we able to accept?

Weren’t we able to excuse?

Weren’t we able to donate?

Were you able to build?

Were you able to make?

Were you able to maintain?

Weren’t you able to protect?

Weren’t you able to submit?

Was he able to continue?

Was he able to enquire?

Was Vedant able to play?

Wasn’t she able to continue?

Wasn’t Janhavi able to discuss?

Was she able to combine?

Was it able to jump?

Wasn’t the dog able to run?

Were they able to provide?

Weren’t they able to co-operate?

Were they able to appoint?

Were Janhavi and Vedant able to dance?

Weren’t Prashant and Ashwini able to teach?



How to Use “able to” as an Auxiliary with the main verb stem (V1) in the present tense.

How to Use able to as an Auxiliary Verb with the Main Verb (V1) in the Future Tense

In this lesson we will learn how to use able to as an auxiliary verb with the main verb stem (V1) in the present tense.

We are also going to use a suitable formula for that so that it will be easy to understand.

This structure is used to indicate that the person acting is physically, mentally and legally capable of performing an action and is not dependent on others.

या सदरामध्ये आपण able to चा वापर सहाय्यक क्रियापद म्हणून मुख्य क्रियापदाच्या मुळ रुपासोबत ( V1) वर्तमान काळात कसा करावा याविषयी इत्यंभूत माहिती घेणार आहोत.

त्यासाठी योग्य अशा सूत्राचा सुद्धा वापर करणार आहोत म्हणजे समजायला सोपे जाईल.

एखादी क्रिया करताना कार्य करणारी व्यक्ती शारीरिक, मानसिक व कायदेशीरपणे सक्षम आहे किंवा नाही तसेच त्यास इतरांवर अवलंबून रहावे लागत नाही हे दर्शवण्यासाठी या रचनेचा वापर करतात.

****************************************************************How to Use able to as an Auxiliary Verb with the Main Verb (V1) in the Present Tense

होकारार्थी वाक्य

How to use able to as an auxiliary verb with the main verb stem (V1) in the present tense in Affirmative Sentences

Subject + is / am / are + able to  + main verb (v1).

I am able to break.

I am able to clean.

I am able to compromise.

I am able to sing.

I am able to learn.

We are able to pay.

We are able to suggest.

We are able to accept.

We are able to excuse.

We are able to donate.

You are able to build.

You are able to make.

You are able to maintain.

You are able to protect.

You are able to submit.

He is able to continue.

He is able to enquire.

Vedant is able to play.

She is able to continue.

Janhavi is able to discuss.

She is able to combine.

It is able to jump.

The dog is able to run.

They are able to provide.

They are able to co-operate.

They are able to appoint.

Janhavi and Vedant are able to dance.

Prashant and Ashwini are able to teach.


नकारार्थी वाक्य  

How to use able to as an auxiliary verb with the main verb stem (V1) in the present tense in

Negative Sentences

Subject + am/is/are + not + able to + main verb (v1).

I am not able to break.

I am not able to clean.

I am not able to compromise.

I am not able to sing.

I am able to learn.

We are not able to pay.

We are not able to suggest.

We are not able to accept.

We are not able to excuse.

We are not able to donate.

You are not able to build.

You are not able to make.

You are not able to maintain.

You are not able to protect.

You are not able to submit.

He is not able to continue.

He is not able to enquire.

Vedant is not able to play.

She is not able to continue.

Janhavi is not able to discuss.

She is not able to combine.

It is not able to jump.

The dog is not able to run.

They are not able to provide.

They are not able to co-operate.

They are not able to appoint.

Janhavi and Vedant are not able to dance.

Prashant and Ashwini are not able to teach.


प्रश्नार्थक वाक्य

How to use able to as an auxiliary verb with the main verb stem (V1) in the present tense in Interrogative Sentence

Is/Am/Are + subject + able to + v 1?

Is/Am/Are + not + subject + able to +  v 1?

Am I able to break?

Am I able to clean?

Am I able to compromise?

Am I not able to sing?

Am I not able to learn?

Are we able to pay?

Are we able to suggest?

Are we able to accept?

Aren’t we able to excuse?

Aren’t we able to donate?

Are you able to build?

Are you able to make?

Are you able to maintain?

Aren’t you able to protect?

Aren’t you able to submit?

Is he able to continue?

Is he able to enquire?

Is Vedant able to play?

Isn’t she able to continue?

Isn’t Janhavi able to discuss?

Is she able to combine?

Is it able to jump?

Isn’t the dog able to run?

Are they able to provide?

Aren’t they able to co-operate?

Are they able to appoint?

Are Janhavi and Vedant able to dance?

Aren’t Prashant and Ashwini able to teach?

Learn How to Use the Auxiliary verb “may”…xiliary-verb-may/

  How to Use the Auxiliary verb “may”

      या सदरामध्ये आपण (v1) मुख्य क्रियापदा बरोबर “may” या सहाय्यकारी क्रियापदाचा वापर कसा करावा याची विषयीची माहिती घेणार आहोत.

    एखादी क्रिया करण्याची आशा/ इच्छा/ हेतू/ शक्यता दर्शवण्यासाठी परवानगी देण्याघेण्यासाठी या रचनेचा वापर होतो.

    In this chapter we will learn how to use the auxiliary verb may with the main verb (v1).

   This structure is used to express the hope/desire/intention/possibility of doing an action and to give permission.


Learn how to use the auxiliary verb may with the main verb (v1) in Affirmative Sentences

विधानार्थी वाक्य

 Subject + may + main verb.

I may think.

We may build.

They may call.

You  may speak.

Vedant and Janhavi  may sing.

He may think.

She may build bridge.

Vedant may sing song.

Janhavi may speak.

Baby may cry.

She may explain method.

Ashwini may submit documents.


****************** may

Learn how to use the auxiliary verb may with the main verb (v1) in Negative Sentences

 नकारार्थी वाक्यांमध्ये  not या नकारार्थी शब्दाचा वापर करावा लागतो.

Subject + may + not + main verb.

I may not speak.

We may not associate.

They may not compromise.

Prashant and Sonali may not concentrate.

You may not know.

She may not take.

He may not manage.

Vedant may not pull.


 प्रश्नार्थक वाक्य  

Learn how to use the auxiliary verb may with the main verb (v1) in Interrogative Sentences (Questions)

 May + subject + main verb?

May I speak?

May we associate?

May they suggest?

May you continue?

May he supply?

May she explain?

May baby cry?

May Vedant Sing?


May चा वापर शुभेच्छा आशिर्वाद देण्यासाठी सुद्धा केला जातो

May is also used to wish and bless…

May god bless you !

May god help you !

May god protect !

May you succeed !

May you live long !


     अशाच पद्धतीने आपण दिलेल्या नियमांचा सूत्रांचा वापर करून अधिकाधिक वाक्य स्वतः तयार करून बोलू शकतो लिहू शकतो त्याचा सराव करणे गरजेचे आहे.

Learn how to use “could have” as an auxiliary verb

use could have as an auxiliary verb

           In today’s lesson, we will learn how to use could have as an auxiliary verb. Could have is used to show that the subject could have done an action in the past but did not do it.

आजच्या सदरामध्ये आपण could have चा वापर सहाय्यकारी क्रियापद म्हणून कसा करावा याविषयी माहिती घेणार आहोत.

क्रिया करणाऱ्या व्यक्तीला एखादी क्रिया भूतकाळामध्ये करणे शक्य होते परंतु त्याने ती केली नाही हे दाखवण्यासाठी अशा पद्धतीने could have चा वापर करावा लागतो.

””””””””””””””””””””””””’use could have as an auxiliary verb

 Learn how to use could have as an auxiliary verb in Affirmative sentences

  Sub.+ could have + v3.

  V3= क्रियापदाचे तिसरे रूप (past participle)

1. I could have bought.

2. I could have taken.

3. You could have cancelled.

4. You could have learnt.

5. They could have  announced.

6. They could have mistaken.

7. You could have handled.

8. Vedant and Janhavi could have compromised.

9. Prashant and Sonali could have donated.

10. You could have demanded.

11.She could have advertised.

12.Janhavi could have directed.

13.He could have replied.

14.Vedant could have announced.

15.It could have come.

16.Lion could have roared.

17.Ganesh could have concentrated.

18.He could have co-operated.

19.Sonali could have discussed.

20.She could have submitted.


Learn how to use could have as an auxiliary verb in Negative sentences

 Subject + couldn’t have + past participle.

1. I couldn’t have bought.

2. I couldn’t have taken.

3. You couldn’t have cancelled.

4. You couldn’t have learnt.

5. They couldn’t have announced.

6. They couldn’t have mistaken.

7. You couldn’t have handled.

8. Vedant and Janhavi couldn’t have compromised.

9. Prashant and Sonali couldn’t have donated.

10. You couldn’t have demanded.

11.She couldn’t have advertised.

12.Janhavi couldn’t have directed.

13.He couldn’t have replied.

14.Vedant couldn’t have announced.

15.It couldn’t have come.

16.Lion couldn’t have roared.

17.Ganesh couldn’t have concentrated.

18.He couldn’t have co-operated.

19.Sonali couldn’t have discussed.

20.She couldn’t have submitted.


Learn how to use could have as an auxiliary verb in Interrogative sentences

 Could / Couldn’t  + subject + have + p.p.(v3)? 

1. Could I have bought ?

2. Could I have taken ?

3. Could  you have cancelled ?

4. Couldn’t you have learnt ?

5. Could they have announced ?

6. Couldn’t they have mistaken ?

7. Could you have handled ?

8. Couldn’t Vedant and Janhavi have compromised ?

9. Could Prashant and Sonali have donated ?

10. Could you have demanded ?

11. Could she have advertised ?

12. Could Janhavi have directed ?

13. Could he have replied ?

14. Could  Vedant  have announced ?

15. Could it have come ?

16. Couldn’t lion have roared ?

17. Could Ganesh have concentrated ?

18. Couldn’t he have co-operated ?

19. Could Sonali have discussed ?

20. Could she have submitted ?


Learn How to Use “could” as an Auxiliary Verb ||  “could” चा  सहाय्यक क्रियापद म्हणून मुख्य क्रियापदाच्या मुळ रुपासोबत ( V1) वापर   

use could as an auxiliary verb


In this lesson we will learn how to use could as an auxiliary verb with the root form (V1) of the main verb.

We are also going to use a suitable formula for that so that it will be easy to understand.

This construct is used to indicate whether a person performing an action was physically, mentally, or legally able to do it in the past.

use could as an auxiliary verb

या सदरामध्ये आपण could चा वापर सहाय्यक क्रियापद म्हणून मुख्य क्रियापदाच्या मुळ रुपासोबत ( V1) कसा करावा याविषयी इत्यंभूत माहिती घेणार आहोत.

त्यासाठी योग्य अशा सूत्राचा सुद्धा वापर करणार आहोत म्हणजे समजायला सोपे जाईल.

एखादी क्रिया करताना कार्य करणाऱ्या व्यक्तीला ती भूतकाळात शारीरिक मानसिक किंवा कायदेशीरपणे  करणे शक्य होते किंवा नाही हे दर्शवण्यासाठी या रचनेचा वापर करतात.

********************************                                                             ********************************

होकारार्थी वाक्य

Learn how to use could as an auxiliary verb in

Affirmative Sentences

Subject + could  + main verb (v1).

I could break.

I could clean.

I could compromise.

I could sing.

I could learn.

We could pay.

We could suggest.

We could accept.

We could excuse.

We could donate.

You could build.

You could make.

You could maintain.

You could protect.

You could submit.

He could continue.

He could enquire.

Vedant could play.

She could continue.

Janhavi could discuss.

She could combine.

It could jump.

The dog could run.

They could provide.

They could co-operate.

They could appoint.

Janhavi and Vedant could dance.

Prashant and Ashwini could teach.


नकारार्थी वाक्य  

Learn how to use could as an auxiliary verb in

Negative Sentences

Subject + could not + main verb (v1).

I couldn’t break.

I couldn’t clean.

I couldn’t compromise.

I couldn’t sing.

I couldn’t learn.

We couldn’t pay.

We couldn’t suggest.

We couldn’t accept.

We couldn’t excuse.

We couldn’t donate.

You couldn’t build.

You couldn’t make.

You couldn’t maintain.

You couldn’t protect.

You couldn’t submit.

He couldn’t continue.

He couldn’t enquire.

Vedant couldn’t play.

She couldn’t continue.

Janhavi couldn’t discuss.

She couldn’t combine.

It couldn’t jump.

The dog couldn’t run.

They couldn’t provide.

They couldn’t co-operate.

They couldn’t appoint.

Janhavi and Vedant couldn’t dance.

Prashant and Ashwini couldn’t teach.


प्रश्नार्थक वाक्य

Learn how to  in

Interrogative Sentences 

Could + subject + v 1?

Couldn’t+ subject + v 1?

Could I break?

Could I clean?

Could I compromise?

Couldn’t I sing?

Couldn’t I learn?

Could we pay?

Could we suggest?

Could we accept?

Couldn’t we excuse?

Could we donate?

Could you build?

Could you make?

Could you maintain?

Couldn’t you protect?

Couldn’t you submit?

Could he continue?

Could he enquire?

Could Vedant play?

Couldn’t she continue?

Couldn’t Janhavi discuss?

Could she combine?

Could it jump?

Couldn’t the dog run?

Could they provide?

Couldn’t they co-operate?

Could they appoint?

Could Janhavi and Vedant dance?

Couldn’t Prashant and Ashwini teach?