How to Perfectly Add Question Tags to Any Sentence

question tag

A question tag is a short phrase or question added to the end of a sentence, usually to confirm or check information. The structure typically consists of a **statement** followed by a **mini-question**. The question tag often mirrors the subject and auxiliary verb (helping verb) of the sentence, and the sentence’s polarity switches (positive to negative, or negative to positive).

         Question tag हा एक लहान वाक्यांश किंवा वाक्याच्या शेवटी जोडलेला प्रश्न आहे, सामान्यतः माहितीची पुष्टी करण्यासाठी किंवा तपासण्यासाठी. संरचनेत सामान्यत: **विधान** आणि त्यानंतर **मिनी-प्रश्न** असतो. प्रश्न टॅग अनेकदा वाक्याचा विषय आणि सहायक क्रियापद (मदत क्रियापद) प्रतिबिंबित करतो आणि वाक्याची ध्रुवता बदलते (सकारात्मक ते नकारात्मक, किंवा नकारात्मक ते सकारात्मक).

question tag

1. Positive statement + Negative question tag
2. Negative statement + Positive question tag

 Example                                                                                         1. Positive statement + Negative question tag

– You are coming to the party, aren’t you?
– Positive statement: “You are coming to the party.”
– Negative tag: “aren’t you?”

– She has finished her homework, hasn’t she?
– Positive statement: “She has finished her homework.”
– Negative tag: “hasn’t she?”

2. Negative statement + Positive question tag

– He doesn’t like ice cream, does he?
– Negative statement: “He doesn’t like ice cream.”
– Positive tag: “does he?”

– They aren’t going to the meeting, are they?
– Negative statement: “They aren’t going to the meeting.”
– Positive tag: “are they?”


– Confirming Information : You use a question tag to check or confirm if something is true.
– Example: It’s cold today, **isn’t it?

– Seeking Agreement: Sometimes question tags are used to encourage the listener to agree with the statement.
– **Example**: We had a great time, **didn’t we?**

Special Cases:
–  am** changes to aren’t I in question tags:
– Example: I am early, **aren’t I?**

– **Let’s** changes to **shall we**:
– **Example**: Let’s go for a walk, **shall we?**

– **Rising intonation**: If you’re unsure and genuinely asking for confirmation.
– **Example**: You’re from Spain, **aren’t you?** (with a rising tone)

– **Falling intonation**: If you’re confident in your statement and just seeking agreement.
– **Example**: It’s a nice day, **isn’t it?** (with a falling tone)

In summary, question tags help facilitate conversation by seeking confirmation or agreement in a polite and concise way.

Question tags विनम्र आणि संक्षिप्त मार्गाने  संभाषण सुलभ करण्यात मदत करतात.

Here are 20 more examples of sentences with question tags:

1. **You like chocolate, don’t you?**
2. **She can speak French, can’t she?**
3. **They weren’t late, were they?**
4. **It’s raining, isn’t it?**
5. **You haven’t seen my keys, have you?**
6. **He will be here soon, won’t he?**
7. **We should leave now, shouldn’t we?**
8. **They live nearby, don’t they?**
9. **You’ve finished your homework, haven’t you?**
10. **I’m on time, aren’t I?**
11. **She doesn’t know about the surprise, does she?**
12. **Tom could help us, couldn’t he?**
13. **The movie was great, wasn’t it?**
14. **He hasn’t called yet, has he?**
15. **We’re meeting tomorrow, aren’t we?**
16. **You won’t forget, will you?**
17. **They’ve already left, haven’t they?**
18. **Your parents are coming, aren’t they?**
19. **We can’t stay here, can we?**
20. **He rarely visits, does he?**

These examples include both positive and negative statements with appropriate question tags.

“Why” Questions

Why" Questions

Friends, we often ask the question ‘why?’ about many things. For that, you have to make interrogative sentences using the interrogative word “why?” in English. Some such question suggestive sentences are given below. This list cannot end here. By adding to this, we can create more interrogative sentences i.e. questions in a similar manner…

      मित्रांनो आपल्यालाका?” हा प्रश्न अनेक गोष्टींबाबत अनेक वेळा पडतो. त्यासाठी इंग्रजीमध्येWhy” हा प्रश्नसूचक शब्द वापरून प्रश्न सूचक वाक्य बनवावी लागतात. अशीच काही प्रश्न सुचक वाक्य पुढे दिलेली आहेत. ही यादी येथे संपू शकत नाही. यात भर घालून अशाच पद्धतीची आणखी प्रश्न सूचक वाक्य अर्थात प्रश्न आपल्याला तयार करता येतील

Why" Questions

“Wh” Questions



1.Why don’t you plan a visit to my school?

2.Why do you look so happy?

3.Why are you upset?

4. Why did you not come yesterday?

5.Why have they built pandal there?

6.Why have they not done there work?

7.Why is Janhavi looking at you?

8.Why can Vedant not travel by train?

9.Why does he always quite?

10.Why would you like to help others?

11.Why didn’t he dare to accept her?

12.Why don’t you invite your old friends?

13.Why is there so much crowd?

14.Why can’t you all maintain this building?

15.Why should Sonali neglect them?

16.Why shouldn’t you decide your future plans?

17.Why is Gita going to change her decision?

18.Why should Prashant have selected?

19.Why shouldn’t he protect?

20.Why can you compromise?

21.Why may Rahul provide food material?

22.Why couldn’t you continue your education?

23.Why could you announce next meeting?

24.Why won’t he be waiting?

25.Why was he keeping desi cows?

How to Use “dare to” as an Auxiliary Verb

    In this lesson we will learn how to use “dare to” as an auxiliary verb with the root form (V1) of the main verb.

This construction is used to show whether or not the person doing the action has the courage to do the action or was or wasn’t.

या सदरामध्ये आपण dare to चा वापर सहाय्यक क्रियापद म्हणून मुख्य क्रियापदाच्या मुळ रुपासोबत ( V1) कसा करावा याविषयी इत्यंभूत माहिती घेणार आहोत.

त्यासाठी योग्य अशा सूत्राचा सुद्धा वापर करणार आहोत म्हणजे समजायला सोपे जाईल.

एखादी क्रिया कार्य करणाऱ्या व्यक्तीची ती क्रिया करण्याची हिंमत आहे किंवा नाही किंवा होती किंवा नव्हती  हे  दर्शवण्यासाठी या रचनेचा वापर करतात.…n-auxiliary-verb/
dare to


होकारार्थी वाक्य

How to Use “dare to” as an Auxiliary Verb in Affirmative Sentences

Subject + dare to + main verb (v1).

I dare to meet.

I dare to clean.

I dare to compromise.

I dare to sing.

I dare to learn.

We dare to pay.

We dare to suggest.

We dare to accept.

We dare to excuse.

We dare to donate.

You dare to build.

You dare to make.

You dare to maintain.

You dare to protect.

You dare to submit.

He dares to continue.

He dares to enquire.

Vedant dares to play.

She dares to continue.

Janhavi dares to discuss.

She dares to combine.

It dares to jump.

The dog dares to run.

They dare to provide.

They dare to co-operate.

They dare to appoint.

Janhavi and Vedant dare to dance.

Prashant and Ashwini dare to teach.


नकारार्थी वाक्य

How to Use “dare to” as an Auxiliary Verb in Negative Sentences

Subject + did/do + not + dare to + main verb (v1).

I didn’t dare to meet.

I didn’t dare to clean.

I don’t dare to compromise.

I didn’t dare to sing.

I don’t dare to learn.

We didn’t dare to pay.

We didn’t dare to suggest.

We didn’t dare to accept.

We don’t dare to excuse.

We didn’t dare to donate.

You don’t dare to build.

You didn’t dare to make.

You didn’t dare to maintain.

You don’t dare to protect.

You dare to submit.

He doesn’t dare to continue.

He didn’t dare to enquire.

Vedant doesn’t dare to play.

She didn’t dare to continue.

Janhavi doesn’t use to discuss.

She didn’t dare to combine.

It doesn’t dare to jump.

The dog didn’t dare to run.

They didn’t dare to provide.

They didn’t dare to co-operate.

They don’t use to appoint.

Janhavi and Vedant don’t dare to dance.

Prashant and Ashwini didn’t dare to teach.


प्रश्नार्थक वाक्य

How to Use “used to” as an Auxiliary Verb in Interrogative Sentence

Did / do + subject + dare to + v 1?

Do I dare to break?

Did I dare to clean?

Did I dare to compromise?

Did I dare to sing?

Do I dare to learn?

Did we dare pay?

Do we dare to suggest?

Did we dare to accept?

Did we dare to excuse?

Did we dare to donate?

Do you dare to build?

Did you dare to make?

Do you dare to maintain?

Did you dare to protect?

Did you dare to submit?

Does he dare to continue?

Did he dare to enquire?

Did Vedant dare to play?

Does she dare to continue?

Did Janhavi dare to discuss?

Did she dare to combine?

Did it dare to jump?

Does the dog dare to run?

Did they dare to provide?

Do they dare to co-operate?

Did they dare to appoint?

Did Janhavi and Vedant dare to dance?

Did Prashant and Ashwini dare to teach?

How to Use “used to” as an Auxiliary Verb

In this lesson we will learn how to use “used to” as an auxiliary verb with the root form (V1) of the main verb.

We are also going to use a suitable formula for that so that it will be easy to understand.

This construction is used to show that an action was a regular or habitual action in the past of the person doing it.

या सदरामध्ये आपण used to चा वापर सहाय्यक क्रियापद म्हणून मुख्य क्रियापदाच्या मुळ रुपासोबत ( V1) कसा करावा याविषयी इत्यंभूत माहिती घेणार आहोत.

    त्यासाठी योग्य अशा सूत्राचा सुद्धा वापर करणार आहोत म्हणजे समजायला सोपे जाईल.

    एखादी क्रिया कार्य करणाऱ्या व्यक्तीची भूतकाळातील नियमित घडणारी क्रिया किंवा सवयीची क्रिया होती हे  दर्शवण्यासाठी या रचनेचा वापर करतात.


होकारार्थी वाक्य

How to Use “used to” as an Auxiliary Verb in Affirmative Sentences

Subject + used to + main verb (v1).

I used to meet.

I used to clean.

I used to compromise.

I used to sing.

I used to learn.

We used to pay.

We used to suggest.

We used to accept.

We used to excuse.

We used to donate.

You used to build.

You used to make.

You used to maintain.

You used to protect.

You used to submit.

He used to continue.

He used to enquire.

Vedant used to play.

She used to continue.

Janhavi used to discuss.

She used to combine.

It used to jump.

The dog used to run.

They used to provide.

They used to co-operate.

They used to appoint.

Janhavi and Vedant used to dance.

Prashant and Ashwini used to teach.


नकारार्थी वाक्य  

How to Use “used to” as an Auxiliary Verb in Negative Sentences

Subject + did + not + use to + main verb (v1).

I didn’t use to meet.

I didn’t use to clean.

I didn’t use to compromise.

I didn’t use to sing.

I didn’t use to learn.

We didn’t use to pay.

We didn’t use to suggest.

We didn’t use to accept.

We didn’t use to excuse.

We didn’t use to donate.

You didn’t use to build.

You didn’t use to make.

You didn’t use to maintain.

You didn’t use to protect.

You are not able to submit.

He didn’t use to continue.

He didn’t use to enquire.

Vedant didn’t use to play.

She didn’t use to continue.

Janhavi didn’t use to discuss.

She didn’t use to combine.

It didn’t use to jump.

The dog didn’t use to run.

They didn’t use to provide.

They didn’t use to co-operate.

They didn’t use to appoint.

Janhavi and Vedant didn’t use to dance.

Prashant and Ashwini didn’t use to teach.


प्रश्नार्थक वाक्य

How to Use “used to” as an Auxiliary Verb in Interrogative Sentence

Did + subject + use to + v 1?

Did I use to break?

Did I use to clean?

Did I use to compromise?

Did I use to sing?

Did I use to learn?

Did we use pay?

Did we use to suggest?

Did we use to accept?

Did we use to excuse?

Did we able to donate?

Did you use to build?

Did you use to make?

Did you use to maintain?

Did you use to protect?

Did you use to submit?

Did he use to continue?

Did he use to enquire?

Did Vedant use to play?

Did she use to continue?

Did Janhavi use to discuss?

Did she use to combine?

Did it use to jump?

Did the dog use to run?

Did they use to provide?

Did they use to co-operate?

Did they use to appoint?

Did Janhavi and Vedant use to dance?

Did Prashant and Ashwini use to teach?

How to Use “would like to”

Use "would like to"

In this lesson, we’ll learn more about how to use “would like to” as an auxiliary verb.

We are also going to use a suitable formula for that so that it will be easy to understand.

This construction is used to show whether or not the person doing the action wants to.

     सदरामध्ये आपण would like to चा वापर सहाय्यक क्रियापद म्हणून कसा करावा याविषयी इत्यंभूत माहिती घेणार आहोत.

    त्यासाठी योग्य अशा सूत्राचा सुद्धा वापर करणार आहोत म्हणजे समजायला सोपे जाईल.

    एखादी क्रिया करताना कार्य करणाऱ्या व्यक्तीची इच्छा आहे किंवा नाही हे दर्शवण्यासाठी या रचनेचा वापर करतात.

****************************************************************Use "would like to"

होकारार्थी वाक्य

How to Use “would like to” in Affirmative Sentences

Subject + would like to + main verb (v1).

I would like to dance.

I would like to clean.

I would like to compromise.

I would like to sing.

I would like to learn.

We would like to pay.

We would like to suggest.

We would like to accept.

We would like to excuse.

We would like to donate.

You would like to build.

You would like to make.

You would like to maintain.

You would like to protect.

You would like to submit.

He would like to continue.

He would like to enquire.

Vedant would like to play.

She would like to continue.

Janhavi would like to discuss.

She would like to combine.

It would like to jump.

The dog would like to run.

They would like to provide.

They would like to co-operate.

They would like to appoint.

Janhavi and Vedant would like to dance.

Prashant and Ashwini would like to teach.


नकारार्थी वाक्य  

How to Use “would like to” in Negative Sentences

Subject + would not + like to + main verb (v1).

would not=wouldn’t

I wouldn’t like to break.

I wouldn’t like to clean.

I wouldn’t like to compromise.

I wouldn’t like to sing.

I wouldn’t like learn.

We wouldn’t like to pay.

We wouldn’t like to suggest.

We wouldn’t like to accept.

We wouldn’t like to excuse.

We wouldn’t like to donate.

You wouldn’t like to build.

You wouldn’t like to make.

You wouldn’t like to maintain.

You wouldn’t like to protect.

You wouldn’t like to submit.

He wouldn’t like to continue.

He wouldn’t like to enquire.

Vedant wouldn’t like to play.

She wouldn’t like to continue.

Janhavi wouldn’t like to discuss.

She wouldn’t like to combine.

It wouldn’t like to jump.

The dog wouldn’t like to run.

They wouldn’t like to provide.

They wouldn’t like to co-operate.

They wouldn’t like to appoint.

Janhavi and Vedant wouldn’t like to dance.

Prashant and Ashwini wouldn’t like to teach.


प्रश्नार्थक वाक्य

How to Use “would like to” in Interrogative Sentence (Affirmative)

       Would + subject + like to + v 1?

Would I like to break?

Would I like to clean?

Would I like to compromise?

Would we like to pay?

Would we like to suggest?

Would we like to accept?

Would you like to build?

Would you like to make?

Would you like to maintain?

Would he like to continue?

Would he like to enquire?

Would Vedant like to play?

Would she like to combine?

Would it like to jump?

Would they like to provide?

Would they like to appoint?

Would Janhavi and Vedant like to dance?


How to Use “would like to” in Interrogative Sentence (Negative)

Would + not + subject +  like to +  v 1?

Wouldn’t I like to sing?

Wouldn’t I like to learn?

Wouldn’t we like to excuse?

Wouldn’t we like to donate?

Wouldn’t you like to protect?

Wouldn’t you like to submit?

Wouldn’t she like to continue?

Wouldn’t Janhavi like to discuss?

Wouldn’t the dog like to run?

Wouldn’t they like to co-operate?

Wouldn’t Prashant and Ashwini like to teach?

How to Use “will have to” as an Auxiliary Verb

In this lesson we will learn how to use “will have to” as an auxiliary verb with the verb base (V1) to tell future actions.

We are also going to use a suitable formula for that so that it will be easy to understand.

The verb uses this construction to indicate whether or not an action is to be done in the future. In such a structure, the auxiliary verb will is used.

या सदरामध्ये आपण will have to चा वापर क्रियापद म्हणून क्रियापदाच्या मुळ रुपासोबत ( V1) भविष्यकाळातील क्रिया सांगण्यासाठी कसा करावा याविषयी इत्यंभूत माहिती घेणार आहोत.

 त्यासाठी योग्य अशा सूत्राचा सुद्धा वापर करणार आहोत म्हणजे समजायला सोपे जाईल.

 क्रिया करणाऱ्यास एखादी क्रिया भविष्य काळात करावी लागणार आहे किंवा नाही हे दर्शवण्यासाठी या रचनेचा वापर करतात. अश्या रचनेत will या साह्यकारी क्रियापदाचा वापर होतो.

_______________________How to Use "will have to" as an Auxiliary Verb in

होकारार्थी वाक्य

How to Use “will have to” as an Auxiliary Verb in Affirmative Sentences

Subject + will + have to + v1.

I will have to break.

I will have to clean.

I will have to compromise.

I will have to sing.

I will have to learn.

We will have to pay.

We will have to suggest.

We will have to accept.

We will have to excuse.

We will have to donate.

You will have to build.

You will have to make.

You will have to maintain.

You will have to protect.

You will have to submit.

They will have to provide.

They will have to co-operate.

They will have to appoint.

Janhavi and Vedant will have to dance.

Prashant and Ashwini will have to teach.

He will have to continue.

He will have to enquire.

Vedant will have to play.

She will have to continue.

Janhavi will have to discuss.

She will have to combine.

It will have to jump.

The dog will have to run.


नकारार्थी वाक्य  

How to Use “will have to” as an Auxiliary Verb in Negative Sentences

नकारार्थी वाक्यांमध्ये will + not हे साह्यकारी क्रियापद  वापरावे.

Subject + will + not + have to + v1.

will + not = won’t

I won’t have to break.

I won’t have to clean.

I won’t have to compromise.

I won’t have to sing.

I won’t have to learn.

We won’t have to pay.

We won’t have to suggest.

We won’t have to accept.

We won’t have to excuse.

We won’t have to donate.

You won’t have to build.

You won’t have to make.

You won’t have to maintain.

You won’t have to protect.

You won’t have to submit.

They won’t have to provide.

They won’t have to co-operate.

They won’t have to appoint.

Janhavi and Vedant won’t have to dance.

Prashant and Ashwini won’t have to teach.

He won’t have to continue.

He won’t have to enquire.

Vedant won’t have to play.

She won’t have to continue.

Janhavi won’t have to discuss.

She won’t have to combine.

It won’t have to jump.

The dog won’t have to run.


प्रश्नार्थक वाक्य

How to Use “will have to” as an Auxiliary Verb in Interrogative Sentences 

 Will + subject + have to + v 1?

Will I have to break?

Will I have to clean?

Will I have to compromise?

Will I have to not learn?

Will we have to pay?

Will we have to suggest?

Will we have to accept?

Will we have to donate?

Will you have to build?

Will you have to make?

Will you have to maintain?

Will they have to provide?

Will they have to appoint?

Will Janhavi and Vedant have to dance?

Will he have to continue?

Will he have to enquire?

Will Vedant have to play?

Will she have to combine?

Will it have to jump?


How to Use “will have to” as an Auxiliary Verb in Negative Interrogative Sentences 

Won’t + s + have to + v1?

Won’t I have to not sing?

Won’t we have to excuse?

Won’t you have to protect?

Won’t you have to submit?

Won’t they have to co-operate?

Won’t Prashant and Ashwini have to teach?

Won’t she have to continue?

Won’t Janhavi have to discuss?

Won’t the dog have to run?


On this blog, we are trying to provide innovative and practical information based on familiar things so that we can further improve the basic knowledge of the English language that we are familiar with.

Also we must remember that English is not knowledge but it is a language, a medium to express knowledge.

 या ब्लॉगवर आपल्याला परिचित असणाऱ्या इंग्लिश भाषेच्या पायाभूत माहिती मध्ये आणखी सुधारणा करता यावी म्हणून परिचित गोष्टींवर आधारित नावीन्यपूर्ण सरावास सुलभ अशी माहिती देण्याचा प्रयत्न करत आहोत.

     तसेच आपण हेही लक्षात ठेवले पाहिजे की इंग्रजी म्हणजे ज्ञान नव्हे तर ती एक भाषा आहे, ज्ञान प्रकट करण्याचे एक माध्यम आहे.

How to Use “had to” as an Auxiliary Verb

In this lesson we will learn how to use had to as an Auxiliary Verb with the verb root (V1).

In negative and interrogative sentences, use the auxiliary verb did and have to instead of had to.

We are also going to use a suitable formula for that so that it will be easy to understand.

The verb uses this construction to show whether or not an action had to be done in the past.

या सदरामध्ये आपण had to चा वापर क्रियापद म्हणून  क्रियापदाच्या मुळ रुपासोबत ( V1) कसा करावा याविषयी इत्यंभूत माहिती घेणार आहोत.

नकारार्थी व प्रश्नार्थक वाक्यांमध्ये did हे साह्यकारी क्रियापद व had to ऐवजी have to हे रूप वापरावे.

त्यासाठी योग्य अशा सूत्राचा सुद्धा वापर करणार आहोत म्हणजे समजायला सोपे जाईल.

क्रिया करणाऱ्यास एखादी क्रिया भूतकाळात करावीच लागत होती किंवा नव्हती हे दर्शवण्यासाठी या रचनेचा वापर करतात.


होकारार्थी वाक्य

How to Use “had to” as a Auxiliary Verb in Affirmative Sentences

Subject + had to + v1.

I had to break.

I had to clean.

I had to compromise.

I had to sing.

I had to learn.

We had to pay.

We had to suggest.

We had to accept.

We had to excuse.

We had to donate.

You have to build.

You have to make.

You had to maintain.

You had to protect.

You had to submit.

They had to provide.

They had to co-operate.

They had to appoint.

Janhavi and Vedant had to dance.

Prashant and Ashwini had to teach.

He had to continue.

He had to enquire.

Vedant had to play.

She had to continue.

Janhavi had to discuss.

She had to combine.

It had to jump.

The dog had to run.


नकारार्थी वाक्य  

How to Use “had to” as a Auxiliary Verb in Negative Sentences

नकारार्थी वाक्यांमध्ये did + not हे साह्यकारी क्रियापद व had to ऐवजी have to हे रूप वापरावे.

Subject + did + not + have to + v1.

did + not = didn’t

I didn’t have to break.

I didn’t have to clean.

I didn’t have to compromise.

I didn’t have to sing.

I didn’t have to learn.

We didn’t have to pay.

We didn’t have to suggest.

We didn’t have to accept.

We didn’t have to excuse.

We didn’t have to donate.

You didn’t have to build.

You didn’t have to make.

You didn’t have to maintain.

You didn’t have to protect.

You didn’t have to submit.

They didn’t have to provide.

They didn’t have to co-operate.

They didn’t have to appoint.

Janhavi and Vedant didn’t have to dance.

Prashant and Ashwini didn’t have to teach.

He didn’t have to continue.

He didn’t have to enquire.

Vedant didn’t have to play.

She didn’t have to continue.

Janhavi didn’t have to discuss.

She didn’t have to combine.

It didn’t have to jump.

The dog didn’t have to run.


प्रश्नार्थक वाक्य

How to Use “had to” as a Auxiliary Verb in Interogative Sentences

प्रश्नार्थक वाक्यांमध्ये did  हे साह्यकारी क्रियापद व had to ऐवजी have to हे रूप वापरावे.

Did + subject + have to + v 1?

Didn’t + s + have to + v1?

Did I have to break?

Did I have to clean?

Did I have to compromise?

Didn’t I have to not sing?

Did I have to not learn?

Did we have to pay?

Did we have to suggest?

Did we have to accept?

Didn’t we have to excuse?

Did we have to donate?

Did you have to build?

Did you have to make?

Did you have to maintain?

Didn’t you have to protect?

Didn’t you have to submit?

Did they have to provide?

Didn’t they have to co-operate?

Did they have to appoint?

Did Janhavi and Vedant have to dance?

Didn’t Prashant and Ashwini have to teach?

Did he have to continue?

Did he have to enquire?

Did Vedant have to play?

Didn’t she have to continue?

Didn’t Janhavi have to discuss?

Did she have to combine?

Did it have to jump?

Didn’t the dog have to run?


We at this blog spot are trying to provide innovative and easy to practice information based on familiar things so that we can further improve the basic knowledge of the English language that we are familiar with.

Also we must remember that English is not knowledge but it is a language, a medium to express knowledge.

आपण या ब्लॉग स्पॉटवर आपल्याला परिचित असणाऱ्या इंग्लिश भाषेच्या पायाभूत माहिती मध्ये आणखी सुधारणा करता यावी म्हणून परिचित गोष्टींवर आधारित नावीन्यपूर्ण व सरावास सुलभ अशी माहिती देण्याचा प्रयत्न करत आहोत.

तसेच आपण हेही लक्षात ठेवले पाहिजे की इंग्रजी म्हणजे ज्ञान नव्हे तर ती एक भाषा आहे, ज्ञान प्रकट करण्याचे एक माध्यम आहे.




The Past Forms of Verbs

Past forms of Verbs

In this chapter we are going to study how the past forms of verbs are formed. These past tense forms are obtained by slightly changing the original form of the verb. The base form of some verbs does not change at all when it is used in the past tense.

So let’s see a little information about it and some examples.

या सदरामध्ये आपण क्रियापदाची भूतकाळातली रूपे कशी तयार होतात ते अभ्यासणार आहोत. क्रियापदाच्या मूळ रूपामध्ये थोडाफार बदल करून ही भूतकाळातली रूपे मिळवली जातात. काही क्रियापदांचे मूळ रूप त्याचा वापर भूतकाळात करताना अजिबात बदलत नाही.

चला तर मग पाहूया त्याविषयी थोडीशी माहिती व काही उदाहरणे.

Past forms of Verbs

1.There are some verbs in English that are made past tense by adding the letters ed or d to the end of the verb.

The past tense forms obtained in this way are considered regular form forms.

इंग्रजीमध्ये अशी काही क्रियापदे आहेत की त्या क्रियापदांच्या पुढे ed किंवा d ही अक्षरे जोडून त्याची भूतकाळातले रूप मिळवली जाते.

अशा प्रकारे मिळालेल्या भूतकाळातील रूपांना regular form पद्धतीची रूपे मानतात.


उदाहरणार्थ —

1.Dress – dressed

2.walk – walked

3.grasp – grasped

4.laugh – laughed

5.start – started

6.jump – jumped

7.pick – picked

8.look – looked

9.want- wanted

10.pass – passed

11.gather – gathered

12.scatter – scattered – taxed

14.ask-  asked

15.absorb – obserbed

16.add – added

17.cause – caused

18.treat – treated – worked – boxed


2. Some verbs are such that their past form is different from the original form. There is a change in its spelling and a slight change in pronunciation.

Such past forms are called irregular forms.

काही क्रियापदे अशी आहेत की त्यांचे भूतकाळातले रूप मूळ रूपापेक्षा वेगळे असते. त्याचे स्पेलिंग मध्ये बदल होतो व उच्चारात ही थोडाफार बदल होतो. अशा भूतकाळातील रूपांना irregular form पद्धतीची रूपे म्हणतात.

उदाहरणार्थ — – ran

2.begin – began

3.sing – sang – met

5.take – took

6.say – said

7.reply – replied

8.try – tried

9.come – came

10.see – saw

11.get – got

12.bring – brought

13.fight – fought

14.give – gave – ate

16.go – went

17.ring – rang

18.tell – told

19.shine – shone

20.lie – lay

21.carry – carried

22.forget – forgot

23.break – broke

24.choose – chose

25.fall – fell

26.speak – spoke

27.bite – bit – did

29.ride – rode

30.drink – drank

31.blow – blew


3.The original forms of some verbs are used as in the past tense.

  1. काही क्रियापदांची मूळ रूपे जशीच्या तशी भूतकाळात वापरली जातात.


























How to Use “have to” and “has to” as Auxiliary Verb

have to and has to

In this lesson we are going to learn how to use have to and has to as auxiliary verbs with the root form (V1) of the verb.

We are also going to use a suitable formula for that so that it will be easy to understand.

This construction is used to indicate whether the subject is forced or required to do an action.

या सदरामध्ये आपण have to   has to चा वापर क्रियापद म्हणून  क्रियापदाच्या मुळ रुपासोबत ( V1)  कसा करावा याविषयी इत्यंभूत माहिती घेणार आहोत. त्यासाठी योग्य अशा सूत्राचा सुद्धा वापर करणार आहोत म्हणजे समजायला सोपे जाईल.

क्रिया करणाऱ्यास एखादी क्रिया करणे भाग पडत आहे किंवा ती करण्याची गरज आहे किंवा नाही दर्शवण्यासाठी या रचनेचा वापर करतात.

********************************have to and has to

होकारार्थी वाक्य

“have to” and “has to” in Affirmative Sentences

Subject +have to + v1.

I have to break.

I have to clean.

I have to compromise.

I have to sing.

I have to learn.

We have to pay.

We have to suggest.

We have to accept.

We have to excuse.

We have to donate.

You have to build.

You have to make.

You have to maintain.

You have to protect.

You have to submit.

They have to provide.

They have to co-operate.

They have to appoint.

Janhavi and Vedant have to dance.

Prashant and Ashwini have to teach.

तृतीय पुरुषी एकवचनी कर्ता असल्यास has हे रूप वापरावे 

He has to continue.

He has to enquire.

Vedant has to play.

She has to continue.

Janhavi has to discuss.

She has to combine.

It has to jump.

The dog has to run.


नकारार्थी वाक्य

“have to” and “has to” in Negative Sentences

Subject + do + not + have to + v1.

do + not = don’t

I don’t have to break.

I don’t have to clean.

I don’t have to compromise.

I don’t have to sing.

I don’t have to learn.

We don’t have to pay.

We don’t have to suggest.

We don’t have to accept.

We don’t have to excuse.

We don’t have to donate.

You don’t have to build.

You don’t have to make.

You don’t have to maintain.

You don’t have to protect.

You don’t have  submit.

They don’t have to provide.

They don’t have to co-operate.

They don’t have to appoint.

Janhavi and Vedant don’t have to dance.

Prashant and Ashwini don’t have to teach.


तृतीय पुरुषी एकवचनी कर्ता असल्यास doesn’t +have to  हे रूप वापरावे 

He doesn’t have to continue.

He doesn’t have to enquire.

Vedant doesn’t have to play.

She doesn’t have to continue.

Janhavi doesn’t have to discuss.

She doesn’t have to combine.

It doesn’t have to jump.

The dog doesn’t have to run.


प्रश्नार्थक वाक्य

“have to” and “has to” in Interrogative Sentences

Do + subject + have to + v 1?

 Don’t + s + have to + v1?

Do I have to break?

Do I have to clean?

Do I have to compromise?

Don’t I have to not sing?

Do I have to not learn?

Do we have to pay?

Do we have to suggest?

Do we have to accept?

Don’t we have to excuse?

Do we have to donate?

Do you have to build?

Do you have to make?

Do you have to maintain?

Don’t you have to protect?

Don’t you have to submit?

Do they have to provide?

Don’t they have to co-operate?

Do they have to appoint?

Do Janhavi and Vedant have to dance?

Don’t Prashant and Ashwini have to teach?

तृतीय पुरुषी एकवचनी कर्ता असल्यास Does / Doesn’t + have to  हे रूप वापरावे 

Does he have to continue?

Does he have to enquire?

Does Vedant have to play?

Doesn’t she have to continue?

Doesn’t Janhavi have to discuss?

Does she have to combine?

Does it have to jump?

Doesn’t the dog have to run?


We at this blog spot are trying to provide innovative and easy to practice information based on familiar things so that we can further improve the basic knowledge of the English language that we are familiar with.

Also we must remember that English is not knowledge but it is a language, a medium to express knowledge.

आपण या ब्लॉग स्पॉटवर आपल्याला परिचित असणाऱ्या इंग्लिश भाषेच्या पायाभूत माहिती मध्ये आणखी सुधारणा करता यावी म्हणून परिचित गोष्टींवर आधारित नावीन्यपूर्ण सरावास सुलभ अशी माहिती देण्याचा प्रयत्न करत आहोत.

     तसेच आपण हेही लक्षात ठेवले पाहिजे की इंग्रजी म्हणजे ज्ञान नव्हे तर ती एक भाषा आहे, ज्ञान प्रकट करण्याचे एक माध्यम आहे.

How to Use “going to” as Auxiliary Verb with the Verb base (V1) in the Past Tense.

In this lesson we will learn how to use going to as a verb with the verb base (V1) in the past tense.

We are also going to use a suitable formula for that so that it will be easy to understand.

This construction is used to indicate whether an action was or was not going to happen in the past.

या सदरामध्ये आपण going to चा वापर क्रियापद म्हणून  क्रियापदाच्या मुळ रुपासोबत ( V1) भूतकाळात कसा करावा याविषयी इत्यंभूत माहिती घेणार आहोत.

त्यासाठी योग्य अशा सूत्राचा सुद्धा वापर करणार आहोत म्हणजे समजायला सोपे जाईल.

एखादी क्रिया भूतकाळात घडणार होती  किंवा नव्हती हे दर्शवण्यासाठी या रचनेचा वापर करतात.

********************************going to in past tense

होकारार्थी वाक्य

Use “going to” as Auxiliary Verb with the Verb base (V1) in the Past Tense in Affirmative Sentences

Subject + was/were + going to + v1.

I was going to break.

I was going to clean.

I was going to compromise.

I was going to sing.

I was going to learn.

We were going to pay.

We were going to suggest.

We were going to accept.

We were going to excuse.

We were going to donate.

You were going to build.

You were going to make.

You were going to maintain.

You were going to protect.

You were going to submit.

He was going to continue.

He was going to enquire.

Vedant was going to play.

She was going to continue.

Janhavi was going to discuss.

She was going to combine.

It was going to jump.

The dog was going to run.

They were going to provide.

They were going to co-operate.

They were going to appoint.

Janhavi and Vedant were going to dance.

Prashant and Ashwini were going to teach.


नकारार्थी वाक्य  

Use “going to” as Auxiliary Verb with the Verb base (V1) in the Past Tense in Negative Sentences

Subject + was/were + not + going to + v1.

I was not going to break.

I was not going to clean.

I was not going to compromise.

I was not going to sing.

I was not going to learn.

We were not going to pay.

We were not going to suggest.

We were not going to accept.

We were not going to excuse.

We were not going to donate.

You were not going to build.

You were not going to make.

You were not going to maintain.

You were not going to protect.

You were not going to submit.

He was not going to continue.

He was not going to enquire.

Vedant was not going to play.

She was not going to continue.

Janhavi was not going to discuss.

She was not going to combine.

It was not going to jump.

The dog was not going to  run.

They were not going to provide.

They were not going to co-operate.

They were not going to appoint.

Janhavi and Vedant were not going to dance.

Prashant and Ashwini were not going to teach.


प्रश्नार्थक वाक्य

Use “going to” as Auxiliary Verb with the Verb base (V1) in the Past Tense in Interrogative Sentences 

 Was/Were + subject + going to + v 1?

 Was/Were + not + subject + v 1?

Was I going to break?

Was I going to clean?

Was I going to compromise?

Wasn’t I going to not sing?

Was I going to not learn?

Were we going to pay?

Were we going to suggest?

Were we going to accept?

Weren’t we going to excuse?

Were we going to donate?

Were you going to build?

Were you going to make?

Were you going to maintain?

Weren’t you going to protect?

Weren’t you going to submit?

Was he going to continue?

Was he going to enquire?

Was Vedant going to play?

Wasn’t she going to continue?

Wasn’t Janhavi going to discuss?

Was she going to combine?

Was it going to jump?

Wasn’t the dog going to run?

Were they going to provide?

Weren’t they going to co-operate?

Were they going to appoint?

Were Janhavi and Vedant going to dance?

Weren’t Prashant and Ashwini going to teach?


    We at this blog spot are trying to provide innovative and easy to practice information based on familiar things so that we can further improve the basic knowledge of the English language that we are familiar with.

Also we must remember that English is not knowledge but it is a language, a medium to express knowledge.

आपण या ब्लॉग स्पॉटवर आपल्याला परिचित असणाऱ्या इंग्लिश भाषेच्या पायाभूत माहिती मध्ये आणखी सुधारणा करता यावी म्हणून परिचित गोष्टींवर आधारित नावीन्यपूर्ण व सरावास सुलभ अशी माहिती देण्याचा प्रयत्न करत आहोत.

तसेच आपण हेही लक्षात ठेवले पाहिजे की इंग्रजी म्हणजे ज्ञान नव्हे तर ती एक भाषा आहे, ज्ञान प्रकट करण्याचे एक माध्यम आहे.