How to use was/were as a helping verb in past continuous tense //  चालू भूतकाळात  was ,were  चा वापर.


            In this article we’re going to know how to use “was/wereas a helping verb (auxiliary)  in past continuous tense with the help of some sentences.

या सदरामध्ये आपण was  were चा वापर सहाय्यक क्रियापद म्हणून मूळ क्रियापदाला ing प्रत्यय लावून कसा करावा याविषयी माहिती पाहणार आहोत.

घडणारी क्रिया ही भूतकाळ मध्ये काही काळ चालू होती हे दाखवण्यासाठी या रचनेचा वापर करतात.

व्याकरणाच्या भाषेमध्ये यालाच चालू भूतकाळ (past continuous tense) असे म्हणतात.


   1.was चा वापर

कर्ता एक वचनी प्रथम व तृतीय पुरुषी असेल तर was हे सहाय्यक क्रियापद वापरावे.

(अपवाद द्वितीय पुरुषी एकवचनी कर्ता you)

1.1  How to use “was” as a helping verb (auxiliary)  in Affirmative sentences

 होकारार्थी वाक्य

Subject + was + main verb +ing.

I was crying

I was co-operating.

Janhavi was discussing.

Vedant was studying.

She was submitting.

He was managing.

I was telling.

Ganesh was pulling.

He was informing.

Sonali was maintaining.

She was promising.


1.2 How to use “was” as a helping verb (auxiliary) in Negative  sentence

नकारार्थी वाक्य

subject + was + not + main verb +  ing.

I wasn’t crying.

I wasn’t cooperating.

Janhavi wasn’t discussing.

Vedant wasn’t studying.

She wasn’t submitting.

He wasn’t managing.

I wasn’t telling.

Ganesh wasn’t pulling.

He wasn’t informing.

Sonali wasn’t maintaining.

She wasn’t promising.


1.3 How to use “was” as a helping verb (auxiliary) in Interrogative sentence (questions)

प्रश्नार्थक वाक्य

Was/wasn’t + subject + main verb + ing ?

Was I crying?

Wasn’t I co-operating?

Was Janhavi discussing?

Wasn’t Vedant studying?

Was she submitting?

Was he managing?

Wasn’t I telling?

Was Ganesh pulling?

Wasn’t he informing?

Wasn’t Sonali maintaining?

What’s she promising?


Let’s practice

I …. enjoying.

I was ……. .

He was …….. .

She …… appointing.

Ramesh …… announcing.

Was she …….. ?

Wasn’t he ……. ?

I wasn’t …… .

He …..n’t accepting.

Prashant was ……. .


  2.   Were चा वापर

कर्ता एकवचनी द्वितीय पुरुषी (you) किंवा अनेकवचनी  असेल तर were हे सहाय्यक क्रियापद वापरावे.

2.2   How to use “were” as a helping verb (auxiliary) in Affirmative sentences

होकारार्थी वाक्य

Subject + were + main verb +ing.

You were advising.

You were compromising.

Janhavi and Vedant were consulting.

They were cheating.

They were inviting.

You were arriving.

Teachers were deciding.

Farmers were complaining.

You were entering.

Students were suggesting.


      2.2 How to use “were” as a helping verb (auxiliary) in Negative sentences

नकारार्थी वाक्य

Subject + were + not + main verb +  ing.

You weren’t advising.

You weren’t compromising.

Janhavi and Vedant weren’t consulting.

They weren’t cheating.

They weren’t inviting.

You weren’t arriving.

Teachers weren’t deciding.

Farmers weren’t complaining.

You weren’t entering.

Students weren’t suggesting.


2.3 How to use “were” as a helping verb (auxiliary) in Interrogative sentence (questions)

 प्रश्नार्थक वाक्य

were/weren’t + subject + main verb + ing ?

Weren’t  you compromising ?

Were you compromising?

Weren’t Janhavi and Vedant consulting?

Were they cheating?

Were you inviting?

Weren’t they arriving?

Were teachers deciding?

Were farmers complaining?

Weren’t you entering?

Were students suggesting?






How-to-Use-did-as-Helping-Verb (Auxiliary)/ did चा वापर कसा करावा/ Simple Past Tense

How-to-Use-did-as-Helping-Verb (Auxiliary)


In this article we’re going to know how to use “Did” as a helping verb (auxiliary) with the help of some sentences.

या भागामध्ये आपण Did चा वापर साह्यकारी क्रियापद म्हणून कसा करावा याविषयी माहिती घेणार आहोत त्यासाठी वाक्यांमध्ये मुळ क्रियापद म्हणून क्रियापदाचे दुसरे रूप म्हणजेच Past form वापरला जातो.

एखादी क्रिया घडली हे तात्पुरते आणि साध्या पद्धतीने सांगण्यासाठी या रचनेचा वापर केला जातो.

व्याकरणाच्या भाषेत यालाच साधा भूतकाळ असे म्हणतात.

कर्ता कोणत्याही रूपातील (एकवचन/ अनेकवचन किंवा प्रथम /द्वितीय /तृतीय पुरुषी)असला तरी अशा रचनांमध्ये did हेच साह्यकारी क्रियापद वापरले जाते.


1. विधानार्थी वाक्य 

How to use “Didas a helping verb (auxiliary) in Affirmative Sentences

Subject + V2.

(did अदृश्य म्हणजेच क्रियापदाच्या दुसऱ्या रूपामध्ये त्याचा लोप झालेला आहे. )

I worked.

I paid.

I compromised.

I won.

I purchased.

You managed.

You repaired.

You repeated.

You advertised

You turned.

He built.

Vedant announced.

She selected.

Janhavi thought.

It managed.

Cat jumped.

We helped.

We neglected

We passed.

We sang.

We cancelled.

You drawn.

You disturbed.

You touched.

You cooked.

You pulled.

They learnt.

They separated.

They cut.

They wondered.

Ganesh and Vedant played.

Janhavi and Sonali worked.


2. विधानार्थी वाक्यांमध्ये घडणारी क्रिया फार महत्त्वाची आहे असं सांगताना did चा वापर केला जातो, पण असे फारच कमी वेळा होते.

Subject + did + V1.

I did win.

I did drive safely.

You did played well.

He did paint.

She did manage.

We did win the match.

We did cancel program.

You did change.

They did operate machine.


3.How to use “Didas a helping verb (auxiliary) in Negative Sentences

I didn’t work

I didn’t pay.

I didn’t play.

I didn’t purchase.

You didn’t manage.

You didn’t repair.

You didn’t repeat.

You didn’t advertise.

You didn’t turn.

He didn’t  build.

Vedant didn’t announce.

She didn’t select.

Janhavi didn’t think.

It didn’t manage.

Cat didn’t jump.

We didn’t help

We didn’t neglect.

We didn’t pass.

We didn’t sing.

We didn’t cancel.

You didn’t draw.

You didn’t disturb.

You didn’t touch.

You didn’t cook.

You didn’t pull.

They didn’t learn.

They didn’t  separate.

They didn’t cut.

They didn’t wonder.

Ganesh and Vedant didn’t play.

Janhavi and Sonali didn’t work.


 4. How to use “Didas a helping verb (auxiliary) in Interrogative Sentences

Did/Didn’t + sub. + main verb

Did I work?

Did I pay ?

Did I compromise ?

Did I win ?

Didn’t I purchase ?

Did you manage ?

Didn’t you repair ?

Did you repeat ?

Did you advertise ?

Didn’t you turn ?

Didn’t he build ?

Did Vedant announce ?

Did she select ?

Did Janhavi think ?

Didn’t it manage ?

Did cat jump ?

Did you manage?

Did you repair?

Did you repeat?

Did you advertise?

Didn’t you turn?

Didn’t he build?

Did Vedant announce?

Did she select?

Didn’t Janhavi think?

Did it manage?

Did cat jump?

Did we help?

Didn’t we neglect?

Did we pass?

Did we sing?

Did we cancel?

Did you draw ?

Didn’t you disturb?

Did you touch?

Did you cook?

Didn’t you pull?

Did they learn?

Didn’t they separate?

Did they cut?

Did they wonder?

Did Ganesh and Vedant play?

Didn’t Janhavi and Sonali work?




How to use have been /has been as helping verb.  

have been /has been चा वापर सहाय्यकारी क्रियापद म्हणून कसा करावा

How to use have been /has been as helping verb.  

In this article we’re going to know how to use “have been/has been” as a helping verb (auxiliary) with the help of some sentences.

आपण या अगोदर have/has चा वापर मूळ क्रियापद म्हणून कसा करावा याचा अभ्यास केलेला आहे

आजच्या सदरामध्ये आपण have been /has been चा वापर सहाय्यकारी क्रियापद म्हणून कसा करावा याविषयी माहिती घेणार आहोत.

क्रिया काही काळापासून नित्य घडत आलेली आहे व ती पुढेही घडणार आहे हे दाखवण्यासाठी  have been /has been चा वापर करावा लागतो.

1. have beenचा वापर 

कर्ता जर एकवचनी प्रथमपुरुष( I ) व द्वितीयपुरुष( You )असेल तर व अनेकवचनी कर्ता असेल have been चा वापर होतो..


 How to use “have been” in Affirmative sentences

Sub.+ have been  + v +ing

1. I have been bringing.

2. I have been singing.

3. You have been neglecting.

4. You have been co-operating.

5. They have been enjoying.

6. They have been handling.

7. You have been advising.

8. Vedant and Janhavi have been donating.

9. Prashant and Sonali have been consulting.

10. You have been maintaining.

11. We have been trying.


 How to use “have been” in Negative sentences

Subject + haven’t been + v + ing

1. I haven’t been bringing.

2. I haven’t been singing.

3. You haven’t been neglecting.

4. You haven’t been co-operating.

5. They haven’t been enjoying.

6. They haven’t been handling.

7. You haven’t been advising.

8. Vedant and Janhavi haven’t been donating.

9. Prashant and Sonali haven’t been consulting.

10. You haven’t been maintaining

11.  We  haven’t been trying.


How to use “have been” in Interrogative sentences

Have/Haven’t + subject + been + V+ing

1. Have I been taking ?

2. Have I been discussing ?

3. Have you been operating ?

4. Haven’t you been studying ?

5. Haven’t they been begining ?

6. Have they been promising ?

7. You have been submitting ?

8. Haven’t Vedant and Janhavi been inviting ?

9. Have Prashant and Sonali been replying ?

10. Have You been demanding ?

11. Have we been announcing ?


2.Has been चा वापर..

कर्ता एकवचनी तृतीयपुरुषी he,she,it असेल तर has been वापरतात.

How to use “has been” in Affirmative sentences

Subject + has + been +V+ing

She has been selecting.

Janhavi has been repeating.

He has been operating.

Vedant has been inviting.

It has been crying.

Ganesh has been replying.

He has been submitting.

Sonali has been demanding .

She has been working.


How to use “has been” in Negative sentences

Subject + hasn’t been + V +in

She hasn’t been advertising.

Janhavi hasn’t been directing.

He hasn’t been replying.

Vedant hasn’t been announcing.

It hasn’t been coming.

Lion hasn’t been roaring.

Ganesh hasn’t been concentrating.

He hasn’t been co-operating.

Sonali hasn’t been discussing.

She hasn’t been submitting.


How to use “has been” in  Interrogative sentences (questions)

Has/Hasn’t + subject + been + V+ing ?

Has she been advertising?

Has Janhavi been directing?

Has he been replying ?

Has Vedant been announcing ?

Has it been coming ?

Hasn’t lion been roaring ?

Has Ganesh been concentrating ?

Hasn’t he been co-operating ?

Has Sonali been discussing ?

Hasn’t she been submitting ?


अशाच पद्धतीची इंग्रजी व्याकरण व इंग्रजी स्पिकिंग साठी आवश्यक असणारी पायाभूत माहिती मिळविण्यासाठी आमच्या वेबसाईटला विजीट करा.





How to use Have and Has as a helping verb (auxiliary)

How to Use "have-has" as helping Verb

 In this article we’re going to know how to use “have/has” as a helping verb (auxiliary) with the help of some sentences.

आपण या अगोदर have/has  चा वापर मूळ क्रियापद म्हणून कसा करावा याचा अभ्यास केलेला आहे.
आजच्या सदरामध्ये आपण have/has चा वापर सहाय्यकारी क्रियापद म्हणून कसा करावा याविषयी माहिती घेणार आहोत.
क्रिया पूर्ण झालेली असून तिचा परिणाम बोलत असताना ती नजीकच्या काळात घडलेली असण्याची जाणीव होते तेव्हा अशा पद्धतीने have/has चा वापर करावा लागतो.

कर्ता जर एकवचनी प्रथमपुरुष( I ) व द्वितीयपुरुष( You )असेल तर व अनेकवचनी कर्ता असेल have चा वापर होतो..

”””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””’How to Use "have-has" as helping Verb


 Use of Have-

How to use “Have” as a helping verb (auxiliary) in Affirmative sentences
Sub.+ have + v3.
      V3= क्रियापदाचे तिसरे रूप (past participle)

1. I have bought.
2. I have taken.
3. You have cancelled.
4. You have learnt.
5. They have announced.
6. They have mistaken.
7. You have handled.
8. Vedant and Janhavi have compromised.
9. Prashant and Sonali have donated.
10. You have demanded.
How to use “Have” as a helping verb (auxiliary) in Negative sentences
       Subject + haven’t + past participle.

1. I haven’t bought.
2. I haven’t taken.
3. You haven’t cancelled.
4. You haven’t learnt.
5. They haven’t announced.
6. They haven’t mistaken.
7. You haven’t handled.
8. Vedant and Janhavi haven’t compromised.
9. Prashant and Sonali haven’tdonated.
10. You haven’t demanded.
How to use “Have” as a helping verb (auxiliary) in Interrogative sentences
    Have/Haven’t + subject + p.p.(v3)? 

1. Have I bought ?
2. Have I taken ?
3. Have you cancelled ?
4. Haven’t you learnt ?
5. Have they announced ?
6. Haven’t they mistaken ?
7. You have handled ?
8. Haven’t Vedant and Janhavi compromised ?
9. Have Prashant and Sonali donated ?
10. Have You demanded ?
Has चा वापर-        How to use “has”

कर्ता एकवचनी तृतीयपुरुषी he,she,it असेल तर has वापरतात.
How to use “Has” as a helping verb (auxiliary) in Affirmative sentences
Subject + has + past participle.

She has advertised.
Janhavi has directed.
He has replied.
Vedant has announced.
It has come.
Lion has roared.
Ganesh has concentrated.
He has co-operated.
Sonali has discussed.
She has submitted.
How to use “Has” as a helping verb (auxiliary) in Negative sentences
  Subject + hasn’t + past participle.
She hasn’t advertised.
Janhavi hasn’t directed.
He hasn’t replied.
Vedant hasn’t announced.
It hasn’t come.
Lion hasn’t roared.
Ganesh hasn’t concentrated.
He hasn’t co-operated.
Sonali hasn’t discussed.
She hasn’t submitted.
How to use “Has” as a helping verb (auxiliary) in Interrogative sentences (questions)
     Has/Hasn’t + subject + past participle?
Has she advertised ?
Has Janhavi directed ?
Has he replied ?
Has Vedant  announced ?
Has it come ?
Hasn’t lion roared ?
Has Ganesh concentrated ?
Hasn’t he co-operated ?
Has Sonali  discussed ?
Hasn’t she submitted ?

अशाच पद्धतीची इंग्रजी व्याकरण व इंग्रजी स्पिकिंग साठी आवश्यक असणारी पायाभूत माहिती मिळविण्यासाठी आमच्या वेबसाईटला विजीट करा

How to Use “do-does” ‎

In this article we’re going to know how to use “do-does” with the help of some sentences.

सदरामध्ये आपण मुख्य क्रियापदाबरोबर do,does या सहाय्यकारी क्रियापदांचा वापर कसा करावा याची विषयीची माहिती घेणार आहोत.

या अगोदर आपण have/has या मुख्य क्रियापदांबरोबर do,does चा वापर कसा होतो याची माहिती घतलेली आहे.

………………………………………………………………………..Do --Does

साधा वर्तमान काळ

How to Use “do-does” in Simple Present Tense

Do/Does + main verb 

विधानार्थी वाक्यात  क्रियेला अधिक महत्त्व देण्यासाठी do/does चा वापर होतो.

I do speak.

They do change the activities.

She does identify.

Vedant does blame on friend.


 सामान्य, दररोजची, सवयीची क्रिया असेल तर विधानार्थी वाक्यात do/does चा वापर होत नाही.

I think.

We build.

They call.

You speak.

Vedant and Janhavi Sing.


अशा वाक्यात तृत्तीय पुरुषी एकवचनी कर्ता असल्यास मुख्य क्रियापद आला किंवा es प्रत्यय लागतो.

He thinks.

She builds bridge.

Vedant sings song.

Janhavi speaks.

Baby cries.

She explains method.

Ashwini submits documents.


साध्या वर्तमान काळातील नकारार्थी वाक्यांमध्ये मुख्य क्रियापदा अगोदर do / does चा वापर करावाच लागतो व त्यापुढे not या नकारार्थी शब्दाचा वापर करावा लागतो.

do + not = don’t 

does + not = doesn’t

don’t / doesn’t + main verb

I don’t speak.

We don’t associate.

They don’t compromise.

Prashant and Sonali don’t concentrate.

You don’t know.

She doesn’t take.

He doesn’t manage.

Vedant doesn’t pull.


साध्या वर्तमान काळातील प्रश्नार्थक वाक्यांमध्ये मुख्य क्रियापदा अगोदर do / does चा वापर करावाच लागतो .

How to use “do-does in Interrogative Sentences

Do/Don’t Does/Doesn’t + subject + main verb

Do I speak?

Don’t we associate?

Do they suggest?

Don’t you continue?

Does he supply?

Does she explain?

Doesn’t baby cry?

Doesn’t Vedant Sing?


Let’s Practice……………

1. I …. continue.

2. I don’t ……. .

3. He doesn’t ……. .

4. …… you come?

5. They …… Combine.

6. ……n’t they believe?

7. You …… consult.

8. Does she …….?

9. Don’t Ganesh ……?

10. It doesn’t …… .

अशाच पद्धतीने आपण दिलेल्या नियमांचा सूत्रांचा वापर करून अधिकाधिक वाक्य स्वतः तयार करून बोलू शकतो लिहू शकतो त्याचा सराव करणे गरजेचे आहे.






How to Use “have-has” as Main Verb/”have-has” चा वापर

How to Use "have-has" as helping Verb


In this article we’re going to know how to use do, does as main verb with the help of some sentences.

How to Use "have-has" as Main Verb

“have, has” चा वापर  काही वेळेस मुख्य क्रियापद म्हणून केला जातो, नकारार्थी व प्रश्नार्थक वाक्यांमध्ये साह्यकारी क्रियापद म्हणून do, does, did, will यांचा वापर करावा लागतो.

भविष्यकाळातील वाक्यांसाठी have किंवा has बरोबर will चा वापर होतो.

 Have व has चा वापर रोजच्या इंग्रजी बोलण्यामध्ये कसा करावा याची माहिती आपण या सदरामध्ये घेणार आहोत.

त्याच्यासाठी आपण रोजच्या वापरातील काही वाक्यांचा वापर करणार आहोत व त्याचा सरावही करणार आहोत.


Have चा वापर // Using Have (as main verb)      

 1. कर्ता प्रथमपुरुषी ( I ) किंवा द्वितीयपुरुषी एकवचनी( you )असेल तर

             How to Use “have-has” as Main Verb in Affirmative sentences.

                 होकारार्थी वाक्य

   I + have + object / noun

   You + have + object / noun                                      

                                               have — ( कर्त्या )कडे  आहे .

                                             will have — ……कडे असेल .

I have four notebooks.

I have a red pen.

I have an idea.

I have a profit.

I will have a permission.

You have a dream.

You have knowledge.

You have good nature.

You will have a computer.

You will have a good job.


How to Use “have-has” as Main Verb in Negative sentences

 I + do not/ did not + have + object / noun             

don’t have — …..कडे नाही . 

didn’t have — ….कडे नव्हते .

won’t have — ….कडे नसेल.

I don’t have four notebooks.

I don’t have a red pen.

I don’t have an idea.

I don’t have a profit.

I didn’t have a permission.

You didn’t have a dream.

You didn’t have knowledge.

You didn’t have good nature.

You won’t have a computer.

You won’t have a good job.


How to Use “have-has” as Main Verb in Interrogative sentences/questions

Do I have a red pen?

Do I have an idea?

Do you have a profit?

Will I have a permission?

Did you have a dream?

Did you have knowledge?

Did I have good nature?

Will you have a computer?

Will you have a good job?


प्रथम, द्वितीय व तृतीय पुरुषी अनेकवचनी कर्त्याबरोबर have चा वापर केला जातो.

How to Use “have-has” as Main Verb in  Affirmative sentences

     होकारार्थी वाक्य

    Plural subject + have + object/ noun

We have four notebooks.

We will have a red pens.

They have an idea.

They will have a profit.

You have a permission.

You have a dream.

We have knowledge.

They have good nature.

You will have a computer.

You have a good job.


How to Use “have-has” as Main Verb in  Negative sentences

   नकारार्थी वाक्य   

We don’t have four notebooks.

We won’t have a red pens.

They didn’t have an idea.

They don’t have a profit.

You  won’t have a permission.

You didn’t have a dream.

We don’t have knowledge.

They won’t have good nature.

You didn’t have a computer.

You don’t have a good job.


How to Use “have-has” as Main Verb in Interrogative sentences / Questions

  प्रश्नार्थक वाक्य

Will we have a red pens?

Do they have an idea?

Will they have a profit?

Do you have a permission?

Don’t you have a dream?

Do we have knowledge?

Didn’t they have good nature?

Won’t you have a computer?

Did you have a good job?


 Has चा वापर // Use of has

कर्ता एकवचनी तृतीयपुरुषी असेल तर has चा वापर करावा

  How to Use “have-has” as Main Verb in Affirmative sentences    

 होकारार्थी वाक्य        

has — ….कडे आहे .

She has a house.

He has stock.

She has many relatives.

Vedant has objection.

Janhavi has skill.

He has success.


भविष्यकाळात कर्ता एकवचनी तृतीयपुरुषी असेल तर will चा सहाय्यक क्रियापद म्हणून वापर होतो व has ऐवजी have चा वापर होतो.

She will have a house.

He will have stock.

She will have many relatives.

Vedant will have objection.`

Janhavi will have skill.

He will have success.


 Has चा वापर असलेल्या वाक्यांचा नकारार्थी किंवा प्रश्नार्थक वाक्यात रूपांतर करताना वर्तमानकाळात does चा सहाय्यक क्रियापद म्हणून वापर होतो व has ऐवजी have चा वापर होतो.

She doesn’t have a house.

Does he have stock?

She doesn’t have any relatives.

Doesn’t Vedant have objection?

Does Janhavi have skill?

He doesn’t have success.


Has चा वापर असलेल्या वाक्यांचा नकारार्थी किंवा प्रश्नार्थक वाक्यात रूपांतर करताना भूतकाळात did चा वापर होतो व has ऐवजी have चा वापर होतो.

She didn’t have a house.

Did he have stock?

She didn’t have any relatives.

Didn’t Vedant have objection?

Did Janhavi have skill?

He didn’t have success.


Let’s Practice…. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

Use have, has and complete the following sentences and learn How to Use “have-has” as Main Verb.

I ……  neighbour.

I don’t …… doubt.

You …… freedom.

You don’t …… stability.

They …… problem.

We don’t …… stock.

Does Seeta …… relief?

Vedant …… interest.

Janhavi doesn’t …… account.

He ….. faith.

She …… camera.

Does she …… privacy?

They will …… flat.

We will …… ambition.

He will …… agreement.


ही माहिती जेव्हा have व has मुख्य क्रियापद म्हणून वापरले जाते, तेव्हा कोणत्या गोष्टी लक्षात ठेवाव्यात व वाक्यांमध्ये बदल कसे होतात याविषयी आहे…..

How to use will/shall as main verbs ‎

In this article we’re going to know How to use will / shall as main verbs in daily English.

    या सदरामध्ये आपण रोजच्या बोलण्यात will / shall चा वापर कसा करावा या विषयी माहिती जाणून घेणार आहोत.

       will / shall  ही वर्तमानकाळात वापरली जाणारी रूपे आहेत.

       will/ shall are used in Future Tense as main verbs as well as Helping Verbs. ‎

1. Shall    चा वापर = साध्या वर्तमानकाळातील वाक्यात करता एकवचनी प्रथम पुरुषी ( I ) किंवा अनेकवचनी प्रथम पुरुषी (we) असेल तर shall  चा वापर करावा. 


          1. How to use shall in Affirmative Statements.

               होकारार्थी विधाने

               subject + will + be + noun / object.

I shall be a teacher.

I shall be a doctor.

I shall be an honest officer.

We shall be partners.

We shall be advisers.

We shall be directors.


          2. How to use shall in Negative statements

         नकारार्थी विधाने

          Subject + shall  + not + be + noun / main verb/ object

                                      ( shall + not = shan’t)

I shan’t be a teacher.

I shan’t be a doctor.

I shan’t be an honest officer.

We shan’t be partners.

We shan’t be advisers.

We shan’t be directors.


       3. How to use shall in Verbal questions

         shall / shan’t  + subject + be + noun./ main verb/ object

  Shall I be a teacher?                                                    

  Shan’t I be an honest 

  Shall I be a doctor?                                               

  Shan’t we be partners?

  Shall I be an honest officer?

  Shall we be with sister?

  Shall we be advisers?

  Shall we be directors?


 टिप  :   I  व  we  या कर्त्यांसाठी  shall  हे रूप वापरण्याचा नियम असलातरी सध्या  will  हेच रूप सर्व कर्त्यासोबत वापरले जाते.

   eg. 1. I will be a teacher.

         2. We will be teachers.


 2.   Use of Will  

        Will चा वापर 

   कर्ता जर एकवचनी द्वितीयपुरुषी , तृतीयपुरुषी किंवा अनेकवचनी द्वितीय किंवा तृतीय पुरुषी असेल तर will चा वापर करतात.

        1. How to use will in Affirmative Statements.

         होकारार्थी विधाने. 

          Subject + will + be  + noun / main verb/ object 

You will be a teacher.

You will be reporters.                       

They will be teachers.

Prashant and Sonali will be in Kolhapur.

Lion and tiger will be come.

He will be with us tomorrow.

She will be go.


           2. How to use will in Negative statements.

               नकारार्थी विधाने.

               Subject + will + not + noun/ main verb/ object.

      will + not  = won’t

You won’t be a teacher. 

You won’t be reporters.

They won’t be teachers.

Prashant and Sonali won’t be in Kolhapur.

Lion and tiger won’t be come.

 He won’t be with us tomorrow.

She won’t be go.                                           


         3. How to use will in  Verbal questions.

         Will  + subject + be + noun/ main verb/ object ?

Will you be a teacher?

Will you be reporters?

Will they be teachers?

Will Prashant and Sonali  be in Kolhapur?

Will lion and tiger be come?

Won’t she be with us tomorrow?

Won’t he be go?


टीप.. you  हे द्वितीय पुरुषी कर्त्याचे रूप एकवचन व अनेकवचन दोन्ही मध्ये वापरले जाते.

   Let’s Practice :

    Use shall, will, shan’t, won’t properly in the following sentences.

1. I ….. be a captain.

2. ….. I be a captain?

3. He ….. be a lawyer.

4. ….. he be a lawyer?

5. They … painters.

6. ….. they be painters?

7. You ….. be collectors.

8. …… you be collectors?

9. You ….. be a president.

10. …… you be a president?


             अशा पद्धतीने वाचण्याचा, लिहिण्याचा सराव केल्यास आपणही सहज इंग्रजी बोलू शकतो.





How to use was and were


    In this lesson we are going to learn information about how to use “was, were” in everyday speech. Let us understand this by using various sentences as an example. So let’s know how to use was, were in daily English.

Was, were are past tense forms of to be.

या सदरामध्ये आपण रोजच्या बोलण्यात  was, were  चा वापर कसा करावा या विषयी माहिती जाणून घेणार आहोत. त्यासाठी विविध वाक्यांचा वापर उदाहरणादाखल करून हे समजुन घेऊ. So let’s know How to use was, were in daily English.

     Was, were  ही भुतकाळातील  to be  ची रूपे आहेत.


1. Was  चा वापर = जर कर्ता एक वचनी प्रथम किंवा तृतीय पुरुष असेल तर साध्या भुतकाळातील वाक्यात  was  चा वापर करावा

   How to use “was” in Affirmative Statements.

   होकारार्थी विधाने

    subject + was +noun.

I was a teacher.

I was a doctor.

He was a farmer.

She was an advisor.

It was an honest animal.

Ganesh was a director.

      How to use “was” in Negative statements

      नकारार्थी विधाने

       Subject + was + not + noun.

                               was + not = wasn’t

I wasn’t a teacher.

I wasn’t a doctor.

He wasn’t a farmer.

She wasn’t an advisor.

It wasn’t an honest animal.

Ganesh wasn’t a director.

    How to use “was” in Verbal questions

    Was + subject + noun?

Was I a teacher?

Was I a doctor?

Was he a farmer?

Was she an advisor?

Was it an honest animal?

Was Ganesh a director?

  2. Use of were    //    were चा वापर 

कर्ता जर एक वचनी द्वितीय पुरुषी म्हणजेच you किंवा अनेकवचनी प्रथम (we), द्वितीय (you) किंवा तृतीयपुरुषी (they) असेल तर were चा वापर करतात.

  How to use “were” in Affirmative Statements.

   होकारार्थी विधाने.

   Subject + were + noun. 

You were a teacher.

You were teachers.

They were teachers.

Prashant and Sonali were teachers.

Lion and tiger were animals.

  How to use “were” in Negative statements.

  नकारार्थी विधाने.

 Subject + were + not + noun.

You were not a teacher.

You were not teachers.

They were not teachers.

Prashant and Sonali were not teachers.

Lion and tiger were not birds.

    How to use “were” in Verbal questions.

     Were + subject + noun?

     Were + not + subject.+ noun?

Were you a teacher?

Weren’t you teachers?

Were Prashant and Sonali teachers?

Were they teachers?

   टीप you  हे द्वितीय पुरुषी कर्त्याचे रूप एकवचन अनेकवचन दोन्ही मध्ये वापरले जाते.

Let’s Practice:   How to use “was,were”

Use was, /wasn’t, / were, / weren’t in the following sentences.

1. I ….. captain.

2. ….. I captain?

3. He ….. lawyer.

4. ….. he lawyer?

5. They ….. painters.

6. ….. they painters?

7. You ….. collectors.

8. …… you collectors?

9. You ….. president.

10. …… you president?

      अशा पद्धतीने वाचण्याचा, लिहिण्याचा सराव केल्यास आपणही सहज इंग्रजी बोलू शकतो.

Use Of Am Is Are-1

  या सदरामध्ये आपण am,is व are चा वापर साह्यकारी क्रियापद म्हणून कसा करावा हे पाहणार आहोत…

 वर्तमान काळात बोलत असताना चालू किंवा घडत असणारी क्रिया सांगण्यासाठी मुख्य क्रियापदाला ing देऊन त्याच्या अगोदर सहाय्यक क्रियापद Auxiliary म्हणून am, is व are यांचा वापर करावा लागतो.

       अशा प्रकारची रचना Present continuous tense म्हणजेच चालू वर्तमान काळामध्ये वापरावी लागते.

“is / are / am” are called “helping verbs”. As the name suggests, they are verbs that help convey the tense and meaning of a sentence.



Where to use “is / are / am”

     1.Use Of Am Is Are In Affirmative sentences

      होकारार्थी  वाक्य 

Subject + am/is/are + main verb+ing

eg. ask +ing = asking

I am running. 

You are inquiring.

Janhavi and Vedant are explaining.

We are drawing.

They are disturbing.

It is identifying.

Horse is running.

He is choosing.

Vedant is enjoying.

She is demanding.

Janhavi is thinking.


  2.Use Of Am Is Are In Negative sentences

 नकारार्थी वाक्य

नकारार्थी वाक्य मध्ये am, is, are सोबत not हा नकारार्थी शब्द वापरावा लागतो.

  Subject + am not/isn’t/aren’t + main verb+ing...

I am not running.

You aren’t inquiring.

Janhavi and Vedant aren’t explaining.

We aren’t drawing.

They aren’t disturbing.

It isn’t identifying.

Horse isn’t running.

He isn’t choosing.

Vedant isn’t enjoying.

She isn’t demanding.

Janhavi isn’t think


    प्रश्नार्थक वाक्य 

     3.Use Of Am Is Are In Interrogative Sentences (Question)

     Am / Is / Are (not) +subject + main verb + ing 

Am I running.

 Are you inquiring.

 Aren’t Janhavi and Vedant  explaining.

Are we drawing.

Are they disturbing.

 Isn’t it identifying.

 Is horse running.

 Is he choosing.

Is Vedant  enjoying.

Isn’t she demanding.

Is Janhavi thinking.


Let’s Practice: Use Of “Am, Is, Are”

am, is, are, Worksheet

Use appropriate Helping verb or main verb and complete the sentences.

 1. They are ……. .

2. …… They answering ?

3. Ganesh … inviting.

4. …’t Sandeep managing ?

5. It is ….. .

6. Dog … watching.

7. I …. driving.

8. Am I ……. ?

9. You …… finishing .

10. Aren’t you …… ?

Use of Am-Is-Are-2

या सदरामध्ये आपण am,is व are चा क्रियापद म्हणून आणखी वापर कसा होतो हे पाहणार आहोत…

  ब्लॉग वर आपल्याला परिचित असणाऱ्या इंग्लिश भाषेच्या पायाभूत माहिती मध्ये आणखी सुधारणा करता यावी म्हणून परिचित गोष्टींवर आधारित नावीन्यपूर्ण व सरावास सुलभ अशी माहिती देण्याचा प्रयत्न करत आहोत.

         तसेच आपण हेही लक्षात ठेवले पाहिजे की इंग्रजी म्हणजे ज्ञान नव्हे तर ती एक भाषा आहे, ज्ञान प्रकट करण्याचे एक माध्यम आहे. ज्याची प्रथम भाषा इंग्रजी नाही त्यांना इंग्रजी बद्दल भीती व न्यूनगंड असतो. हा न्यूनगंड दूर करण्यासाठी आपल्या मातृभाषेमध्ये व राष्ट्रभाषेमध्ये म्हणजेच परिचित भाषेमधले बारकावे व शिष्टाचार आपणास माहिती असले पाहिजेत व ते इंग्रजीत कसे वापरायचे हे ज्ञान आपण या ब्लॉग वरील माहितीच्या आधारे (आर्टिकल) समजून घेणार आहोत जेणेकरून इंग्रजी भाषेची वाटणारी भीती व न्यूनगंड आपोआपच दूर होईल…

रोजच्या बोलण्यात am,is,are चा वापर कसा करावा.

  How to use am, is, are

  am,is,are ही वर्तमान काळातील to be ची रूपे आहेत.

1. am चा वापर = जर कर्ता एक वचनी प्रथम पुरुष म्हणजेच I असेल तर am चा वापर करावा.

Affirmative Statements.

 होकारार्थी विधाने

I + am + noun.

I am a teacher.

I am a doctor.

I am a farmer.

I am a soldier.

I am an adviser.

I am an operator.

I am a director.

I am a photographer.

I am a collector.

I am a sweeper.

I am a postman.

I am an Indian.


       Negative statements

        नकारार्थी विधाने

I + am + not + noun.

I am not a teacher.

I am not a doctor.

I am not a farmer.

I am not a soldier.

I am not an advisor.

I am not an operator.

I am not a director.

I am not a photographer.

I am not a collector.

I am not a sweeper.

I am not a postman.

I am not an Indian.


        Verbal questions

 Am + I + noun?

Am + I + not + noun?

Am I a teacher?

Am I a director?

Am I not a doctor?

Am I not a farmer?


2. Use of ‘is’ / ‘is’ चा वापर

कर्ता जर एक वचनी तृतीयपुरुषी म्हणजेच he, she, it किंवा इतर मुलगा-मुलगी व्यक्ती, एखादा प्राणी, पक्षी असेल तर is चा वापर करतात.

          Affirmative Statements.

           होकारार्थी विधाने.

   Subject + is + noun.

He is a teacher.

She is a doctor.

Ganesh is a farmer.

Peacock is an Indian bird.

Dog is honest animal.


         Negative statements.

         नकारार्थी विधाने

 Subject + is + not + noun.

He is not a teacher.

She is not a doctor.

Ganesh is not a farmer.

Peacock is not an Indian bird.

Dog is not honest animal.


             Verbal questions.



Is he a teacher?

Is’t she a doctor?

Is Ganesh a farmer?

Is a peacock an Indian bird?

Isn’t a dog an honest animal?


 3. Use of ‘are’ / are चा वापर .

कर्ता जर द्वितीय पुरुषी एकवचनी(You), द्वितीय पुरुषी अनेकवचनी(You) किंवा तृतीयपुरुषी अनेक वचनी (They)असेल तर are चा वापर करावा.

you  हे द्वितीय पुरुषी कर्त्याचे रूप एकवचन व अनेकवचन दोन्ही मध्ये वापरले जाते.

       Affirmative Statements.

        होकारार्थी विधाने.


You are a teacher.

You are teachers.

They are teachers.

Prashant and Sonali are teachers.

Lion and tiger are animals.


         Negative statements.

         नकारार्थी विधाने.


You are not a teacher.

You are not teachers.

They are not teachers.

Prashant and Sonali are not teachers.

Lion and tiger are not birds.


        Verbal questions.



Are you a teacher?

Aren’t you teachers?

Are Prashant and Sonali teachers?

Are they teachers?


    ह्या गोष्टी आपण शाळा-कॉलेजमध्ये शिकलेलो आहोत, पण त्याचा योग्य सराव व योग्य वापर आपण शास्त्रीय दृष्टीने किंवा ओघाने फार कमी प्रमाणात करतो. पण जेव्हा आपण एखाद्या प्रोफेशनल फिल्ड मध्ये काम करतो, तेव्हा या गोष्टींचा वापर आपल्या बोलण्यात व लिखाणात करणे क्रमप्राप्त होते व सराव नसल्याने आपण त्यामध्ये थोडे संकोचतो. हा संकोच दूर व्हावा यासाठी या माहितीचा आधार घेऊन आपण स्वतः सराव करू शकतो व आपण आपले इंग्रजी सुधारू शकतो.